Chapter 15 (before the fight)

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Perospero and katakuri planned to go out into the island following valentine behind her, the crew decided to stack some supplies after plundering this island after all.

"I heard there's donuts here with an interesting flavour, are you going to give me some valen?" Katakuri spoke grinning as he followed her, showing his pointy teeth.

Valentine is holding a box of supplies hurling it towards the ship as katakuri followed her, doesn't really care what he looks like.

"Well, I'm not really that sure young master, but yes there's a dessert shop down the road there that mama didn't said not to destroy, as she was really interested on what the sweets tasted here, and so because it's food"

valentine pointed down the road a bit towards the centre of the Islands town just through next a forest.

"Also, take a few men with you two, I can't come because I'm still busy with the things here" valentine said with an apologetic look and a smile.

"Let's bring a few katakuri" perospero said then started walking towards the other crews ordering them to come with them.

"We don't have to! It's not that dangerous and will just beat their asses whoever appears" looking annoyed as he would stare at his big brother perospero before scoffing and finally started walking when perospero started walking towards him.

"Even so, do you think our big sister would let us go by ourselves? You know she's over protective" perospero replied back also annoyed by his brother's response.

As they walked around the town for a bit more before arriving at the shop that doesn't really have a people present around since all of them already tried to escape or already dead, for the two of them it seems like that's already no new to them.

When they did suddenly heard a sound coming from the forest, the two made a questioning look together before katakuri suddenly grinned.

"Do you want to check what is happening young master's?" One the men with them spoke.

Perospero only brought three men for them after all since they are only going to check with the sweets around the shop that wasn't really touched.

"Katakuri, we can't" peros said sternly, slightly glaring at his brother as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh come on! Please? We're only going to check, there might be a fight you know!" Before peros could even reply back katakuri is already running towards the forest making the three men's around them a bit surprised and confused if they should follow or not just waiting for an order.

"What are you waiting for?... Follow my brother" peros ordered looking frustrated of how much a haddle his brother is.

They then started to run towards him, following behind katakuri.

When katakuri arrived he did not expect there to actually be a fight, a pirate crew in the island, the one who was in the front was a man with a blond hair, a bow in his hand and a sword on his waist, his crew behind him laughing, he seems to be the captain.

On the other hand, the guy they seemed to be facing is already down on the ground groaning in pain as he clutch at his side, he's a tall person, having this black messy hair around, has a pair of horn's on his head.

He also wears this shirt around him with a black Pants and a black boots.

After perospero arrived at the scene he was also met with this in front of him of what katakuri is seeing.

"Your no match for us kaido, just give up and save us the trouble" the captain spoke arrogantly his men laughing behind him.

"I will never surrender to a bastards like you.. you guys used some kind of trick didn't you?" Kaido said as he tried to stand up grabbing the large club on his side, only to be shot on his right arm making him groan in response.

"Haha! Trick? Just say you are no match for our captain" the enemies crew spoke with arrogance.

The blond guys expression are that of arrogance as well but with a faint look or nervousness.

"Let's finish him already boss!" One of them shouted, the blond guy looks at his crew to say something when that guy already attacked, only to be hit by kaido on his side.

Kaido grabbed his club in his right hand since he can't use his left for the time being.

The guys groand in both pain and surprise, already passed out hitting a few there, not noticing the the guys body are coming towards peros directions.

"Young master perospero! Watch out!-" One of the men with peros push him aside before he can even finish his sentence the others looking surprise, with the other two and katakuri.

That situation actually made perospero a bit surprised and nervous as he looked where the previous guy just besides him a second ago landed a few blocks with along with the blondies one of the crew.

"Hey! Shouldn't you know where to aim?!" Katakuri suddenly shouted showing their presence to the enemies, in response kaido looks at the new faces, looking a bit confused how a kids like them are In here.

'how the hell did they find themselves here? This brat doesn't know what they are into, this Ironside pirate crew isn't normal, they use some kind of techniques or tricks.. cuz if not how could they overpower me... And of course their captain'. kaido thought with a frustrated look visible in his eyes glaring at them.

"Well, well, well, some brats decided to join the party?" One of the blondies crew spoke while walking towards them.

'I don't want to do this.. I guess it's too late regrets now' the blond captain or also seems to be called ironsides thought as he took a step forward towards the kid with a pellekan ell like mouth.

"Who do you think are you brat's?.. you think you can stop us?.. what is your name kid?" Elder, the captain of ironside said glaring at the kid in front of him.

"Charlotte, katakuri..." Katakuri replied in a threatening voice.

The two men besides them who was three earlier move in front of them, going to protect them with all they can, because actually, if they go back to the ship with the two Charlotte missing, that child name y/n can make the whole ship upside down if she wanted.

And for some reason they know it, because they've seen how much power y/n can do alone like there mother.

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