Annoying interval

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hello human beings!!, how are you all? (comment that) I am so happy that people are actually reading this. It is such a nice feeling when people read what you write and it would feel even better if you all commented, i would like to know your thoughts yaar. I know my writing style i very messy, so tell me that, tell me if you can relate to any of the scenarios that I am writing about, and those of you outside of India,(which I know are half of the readers) don't worry, soon there is going to be things that you all can also relate to. so communicate with me, that's what I have been trying to say here. 

oh and I have a competition for you. try to guess my age through my writing style and story plot.

we shall see who wins, SO LET THE GAME BEGIN.

reader × krishna (as his sister)Where stories live. Discover now