Chapter 3

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I know I know, I am so sorry. I did not have any time this week and procrastination had a big hold on me. so I am very sorry, I will begin the story now. have fun reading 😊


It was a normal day for yn, she was just on her way to school, missing her dad as he had gone on a trip abroad. she missed him very much. He used to travel a lot for business purposes and she would be lonely and would also be kinda done because her mom was the stricter one. so whenever her father was out of country she had to listen to all the scolding of her mother and there was no one to save her.

~time skip~

It was the time of return for her father. She was at the airport with her uncle and cousin brother. Her father had gone to Australia. She had missed him quite a bit and was excited to see him after 2 weeks. 

They were just going home and then yn asked her father how his trip was. He told her all about it. About the kangaroos and the koalas and how hot it was, also about the boomerang kinda thing that yn did not understand at the time. They talked about yn's theories and had meaningful conversation on their ride back home.

They went home and like every time , whenever her father went abroad for traveling, he brought a lot of souvenirs for all of them. yn was not really materialistic so it was always fine if her father did not bring anything but whenever he did bring anything she was very happy and excited to see what he got for her, after all, what child wouldn't be?

He showed her all the animal plushies and the boomerang that he got for her, but alas it would only stay as a showcase piece and would never be used because none of them had any idea on how it worked and there was a very very high chance that they would hit someone with it, it would be very funny but also kind of bad incase someone goes unconscious because of it. hence they decided against it.

And such was the happy childhood of yn.


did you think that I was done?!? No!, never, we still have more so lets get on with it.


It was near the mid term exam time for yn, it was very stressful as now she was in 6th grade and she was a "big girl" not like she did not responsibilities since she entered the school and always had high expectations to be fulfilled but now she was officially a big girl as now she was in the senior wing of her school. 

How much worse of a luck can you think of, that your birthday comes during the midterms and then your dad, who is the one to tell your mom to stop being so hard on you, is also not there, so, you got pressure and pressure and pressure. and nowhere to take it out.

mom- did you do your work yn?

yn- yes mamaji, I did it.

mom- study more, if you lose even a single mark on your exam then see what will happen.

yn-... yes mamaji (she says while closing her hand into a very tight fist, she could not take out any of her emotions anywhere so that what she did. Just bottled them all up and dug her nails in her skin when it got too much, which was becoming way too frequent.)

mom- hmm, I will come back in 1 hour and take your test, everything should be right when you answer, understand?

yn- yes.

and such was the life of yn now, a 6th grader with the weight of the world on her. No one to hear her and everyone there to be heard by her. she was the one who had to bear the burden of her sister's things too, not that her mom did not teach her sister but it was way different than it was with her, after all the eldest are the ones who get the strictest treatment and have to be successful no matter what, right; and unfortunately yn was the one to take on that responsibility.

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yn started to make worlds in her head from this point, nothing too serious, don't worry, but enough for her to escape her harsh reality. She was always a firm believer in all things magic but now she got even more engrossed with it. She began practicing magic, wanting to learn everything there is to be learnt about it. She learnt all of these spells and she had philosophies that incorporated everything she wanted in her life, her religion and magic can easily coexist, people in the olden times had magic didn't they? They had all of these boons and spells that no one knows about today, the only difference, they used to directly ask god but yn asked nature instead, and nature then got the power from god to do it, they had a communication agent as, sadly, the direct interactions had been closed way before yn was even born. Maya is everywhere, it is in everything and to say that you believe in gods but not in magic is kind of contradictory, wouldn't you say?

Like many people do now, yn had worlds and stories in her head, that she would just slip into before she slept, to experience whatever she wanted , even though it was not real, it took off a big weight from her, a big chunk of stress from her. and perhaps that was what started it all.....


now remember when you were told that yn's dad was not with her right now?, he is in Canada. out of country, but this time he had more of a plan in his mind, after how things were going in India, the overpopulation, The pollution, the extreme competition for everything, he did not want his children to be in such an environment, yn had big dreams and her siblings would soon too, and to fulfill them you needed space and opportunity, something that, unfortunately, that was not quite available in India at this point, and if yn wanted to achieve something, if she actually wanted to be known; she needed the change, she needed  a place where people would know her for her, not where even her education would depend on whether she is low cast or not, which she was not and if you are not then the competition goes to the 5th digit decimal in the matter of score, that 0.00001 can change her whole future because there are way too many people competing for it, and way too many who are bribing for it.

She needed a place where people would know about her family by her name not the opposite and that is the goal of every parent and grandparent, to be known by their child's name.


stay tuned as from here starts the journey of yn, her journey to change, her journey to god and her journey to herself.


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I will see you soon

jai shree krishna!!

1206 WORDS.

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