chapter 4

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(hi people, long time no see. well i am sorry to have vanished for such a long time but i am here with a new chapter and it is quite long! beware i put in my beliefs in this around the end, everyone is entitled to their opinions and these are mine and the way i perceive it, if you disagree its ok but please don't comment bad things. anyways have fun reading and Radhe Radhe)

it was a beautiful day outside. the grass was green and the sky was bright blue with variously shaped clouds hovering around the sun as if framing its importance.

it was September and the autumn season had begun. there was a slight chill in the air, but that just increased the coziness of the sunlight even more. 

yn was up on her terrace with her mother and sister. just basking in the warm sunshine and sitting on a cot, yn had washed her hair today, her hair that was long and luscious. yn's mother was just there and oiling and massaging her scalp, talking and having conversations while doing it.

and during all of this yn just enjoyed the stillness, the carelessness of her childhood that will be taken from her as she grows into an adult, unaware of all of the calm that she feels now being gone soon, she remains oblivious to this feeling. the feeling that she will miss in her future.


and there is Him. looking over the world with his beautiful wife Laxmi by his side. looking at his creations and his children, many of them his friends that he converses with regularly, without them knowing, and many of them his family members with their whole heart. he looks at yn, smiling seeing her happy, and why wouldn't he be happy that his friends who he thinks of as a sister is relaxed and enjoying life, after all he gets to hear all about it from her. as she rants about her whole day in front of him in her house's Mandir. going over stuff as if he was right there in front of her, and hence he is in front of her. he loves when she talks about how she scored great in her test, knowing the prayers that she was asking from Maa Saraswati, and smiling that she answered her. oh how he wished that he could also converse with her, not just spiritually or instinctively but rather physically, face to face and hug her whenever she cries, jump around in joy when she gets happy and run from her as she chases him while being angry at him, and persuade her when she pouts while being sad and frustrated from something in her life.

he wanted to be there with her physically, his Bhakt and sister.


and here yn was talking with her mum about lord krishna, oh how much fun it would be to be friends with him and live with him in his time! how much she would love to just go and visit him and hug him; to say thank you and sorry. thanks for everything he does and everytime he helps her out, to do mischief and get out of of trouble too, and sorry for pestering him so much, getting angry on him and saying that she wont talk to him because of something that she did wrong, afterall he controls everything as a result but we make the cause happpen, so its not his fault is it.

yn talks with her mom about how he used to steal makhan(butter) .....

yn- mumma, did kanha ji really used to steal makhan or is it just like a tale?

mum- he actually did use to do that! well as long as what is known, it is not just a tale. he used to go with all of his friends, the gwala and then go around the village seeing which house had makhan and no survielance (she says while chuckling) you know how we do handi ceremony on janmashtami? it is to symbolize his childhood, just like how we make the human pyramids, he used to do that with his friends when he was just a little kid. 

yn- wow, he must have been really brave nah, because i get so scared of doing that, like what if we fall and then get injured, or worse what happens if we get caught!

mom- well, his towers werent as tall as ours, we do ours as a type of fun activity and tie it to a rope, they also tied it to ropes but their ropes were at the room's height, and rooms are not that tall are they? 

yn- ya... but then he must really trust his friends and believe in them, and they all must have a lot of coordination right, because if any of us plan to do it, then we practice so much but for them it was just a normal thing to do.

mum- mhm, now sit straight i have to braid your hair.


and then later that day when yn was worshipping in the temple she started talking about her day, how as it was a Sunday they did not have any school! and that she slept in today, then she woke up and had to go and wash her hair. and then she went to the terrace with her mum to just bask in the sun, as it had started getting colder. and then she started talking about the tales she was talking about.

yn- kanha ji, you know i was talking about you today with mumma ji! we were talking about how you used to steal makhan (chuckles) you must really like makhan huh! hehehe i will try to make butter some day and if i do i will give some to you to okay!! oh and we were talking about....

and after some time she finished talking about her day, satisfied with her conversation, she started getting up and said, thankyou bhagwan ji, thank you so much for staying with me and helping me, please stay like this with me always ok? (smile) 

ofcourse sakhi, i will always stay with you, he says while smiling himself. 

To many it seemed as if yn was a weird kid or just a kid, thinking of god as her imaginary friend and talking to him so much, and not just one, she would do this with many other gods and goddesses too, they thought that was her version of imaginary friends, but oh they could not have been more wrong. he listened to her, he always did, he made time for her, and he heard her, just like he listens to all of his bhakts, whether they are just asking for something or telling him their feelings or talking about their day to him. he listened to them all. 

we tend to forget that he has no limits, we think of this single entity that has to listen to all of these requests and wonder how long we have to stay in the queue for our prayers to be heard, but somehow we forget to consider that he is the one who turned himself into 16100 different bodies to stay with all of his queens, queens who thought of him as their everything, queens for who, he was everything. and this was while he was on earth, then just imagine how much he could expand in his abode, we cannot even begin to measure it; because we have only heard of infinity, while he is infinity itself. he listens to every one of his bhakts, not a single one is left unheard, if someone prayed with their heart ofcourse he would listen to them. the reasons some of us get our wishes and others dont is because of our karm and the timing, we need to earn good results by doing good deeds and if we dont do good deeds we wont get the good results, (this is accounting our past lives). and ofcourse, who could know better about timing than him, the lord who knows when everything is supposed to happen and when it will all fall into place, he knows when we need to get our wishes and at what time it will actually benefit us.

what i am trying to tell here is that all you have to do is keep believing , that is all we have to do, believe in him and if you believe in him then you will do good too.


keep believing, thats all you gotta do, and what yn did not know that the prayer that was being asked by her family and her was soon going to start to get in action.....


that was it for this chapter and thankyou for reading, please upvote and comment your views and guidelines on how i can improve, i know i am not really good at storytelling and i am trying to improve because this is the way i hear it in my head and i am writing it straight down, preplanning whos that we dont know her. haha anyways, thank you guys and also no harsh comments pls, i will go know gotta go and edit this thing.

1530 words

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