Chapter 2

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I know, I know. I am such a good author, I am giving another chapter literally the next day; so yeah be thankful. this is not going to last for long so this is me making up in advance if I don't publish sometimes, I gotta study man.


it was Janmashtami now, yn went to the temple near her house, not where she goes every morning but the other one right opposite to it, yes yes; yn has the opportunity of listening to the VERY LOUD chime of bells and aunties trying their best to be professional singers at 4am EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. from 2 places. that sound so fun doesn't it.

yn wakes up to the extra loud prayers of her lovely neighbors at 5 am, it was early for her. yn was really cranky because she had an off from her school today but still woke up early, but she just continued with her day and got over her crankiness when she realized what day it was, it was JANMASHTAMI! she was very excited for it, she would get to wear her lehenga that made her feel like she was there in dwaparyuga with Krishna and having fun with him.

yn got ready and went to her room to choose her special Janmashtami lehenga, she had one specially for it, it was yellow in color, studded with beads and rhinestones making the shine when the light touches the stones. 

this whole day, she would be fasting, but that did not affect her that much as she could eat SWEET oh those delicious heavenly sweets. yn has a big sweet tooth, give her anything, literally anything sweet and she could easily survive off of it for the day, even more if she wanted to! and that's all she had to do today. She had to not eat any grains or salt, but she could definitely eat sweets, that too lots of it. 

there were pedas made specially for laddu Gopal, along with other barfi and laddus that seemed to delicious to not be eaten that exact instant. but yn had to control herself, for if she tried to ask for one she would be mercilessly denied and might get a small lecture too, and if she tried to sneak it.... well, then she is done for; because her mother is magical, she doesn't know how but she always figures out if yn stole any sweets, it is kind of scary how good she is at it. but being good at it does not mean being accurate at it, though yn's mother would know that yn stole sweets, she wouldn't know how many she did. so often yn stole a bunch of them , but not enough to be noticed that it was a bunch; then she would get scolded and asked to put it back, but poor mother did not know that our mischievous yn had already hidden some of the sweets...


the day goes on as our yn thinks of what life would be like in dwaparyuga, it would be so so different, she would have to go to school for so much longer. but she could be with her brother Krishna and play with him, she would be able to go and graze cows and make butter. she would be a Gopi with the Gopalas...

yn?.. yn? YN! 

yn- AHH , you scared me mom.

mom- where were you huh, in dream land?? now go and finish your school homework, you already missed 2 days because of your yoga competition so now go and study. (says in a strict tone)

yn- b-but mamaji! today is Janmashtami, a festival and a holiday...

mom- work is work yn, and you have to study otherwise how will you be successful huh?! now go to your room and get into normal clothes, and finish your school work. if you finish writing your notes that yn/friend sent you and also finish the homework in time before you have to go to the temple then you can go.

yn- (sad) ok mamaji I will go and finish my work

(thinks) I have to finish all of this within 1 hour!! because I need at least half an hour to get ready and if I work more than that then I will get late.


yn goes to her room and changes out of her lehenga and gets into her comfy top and lower(yeah in India we call any leg wear as lower if it is comfy, just a general term) and starts studying.

she goes to get her mom's phone and then calls her bestfriend (here bestfriend is ynbff)

yn- hey ynbff! how are you? girl I really really need your help right now

ynbff- what happened yn?

yn- yaar, you know that I missed a couple days of school and somehow our math teacher literally finished a whole unit in that time and now I am way behind, and my mom wants me to finish all of my notes on it and all of the exercises that we got for the unit as homework, so behan/bhai please send it 🙏

ynbff- ok ok yaar, sending it. don't beg so much it does not suit you (teases her)

yn- aree yaar, you!!

the ynbff send yn all of the thing and it is 35 pages... 35 pages!?!?!? hai bhagwan! how will yn ever finish all of this in 45 minutes, yeah she spent 15 minutes talking to ynbff and getting the stuff

yn- ok yn you can do this , and then she writes all of her notes at eminem speed (hehehe) ok done phew.

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yn- mom I finished all of my work, now can I go and get ready for the temple?

mom- huh?! you already finishes? wow, that excited to go huh? (smiles that her daughter is excited for a religious festival so much) but first I have to check everything okay?

yn- yes mamaji (hands her all of the stuff and her phone) here you go, and while you check all of this I will go and get ready, papaji is going to be home soon and I have to get ready so that I can go to the temple with him!

mom- okay okay baba!

then yn goes and gets ready into her beautiful lehenga 

(I tried to find a picture of what I imagine in my head but I could not find it so you can imagine it however you wish to 😊)

yn-I am ready! hehehe (twirls around) I feel so pretty!! (laughs) mamaji can you do my hair please!!

mom- okay okay, and I checked your work and it is good so you can go 😊(does her hair and adds a gajra(flower chain) to it) here and did you put all of the accessories on?

yn- yes I did mom! I will go now, byee!!

with that yn leaves for the temple, when you imagine an ancient princess in a lehenga running (at least when I do) you can imagine yn as such. the joyous and excited stomping sound of the foot as she runs to the temple to go and sing and dance with her friends for the arrival of lord Krishna.

and with that she goes through a magical, joyful and fun night of festivities like, Matki phodna (pot breaking) singing and dancing. and at last she reaches home after the festivities and then does puja with her family and finally opens her fast.

yn- Happy Birthday Krishna 😊


 wow this chapter was twice the length of the last chapter, I hope you liked it and do not forget to comment, thank you so much for reading

byee buchrees!!

1276 words

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