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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨


Song: Lavender Sunflower
By: Tory Lanez

~ indigo perez ~

the noise of the busy streets has never bothered me because i always have my headphones on. free flowing music of jacquees, tory lanez, and osa rings in my ears as i enjoy every beat.

music has always been an attatchment to me ever since i was 3, it runs in the family, singing and playing instruments. i cross over the street before walking down a few blocks before standing in front of a music shop, specifically owned by my tía, kasy.

i enter, greeting pablo in the front as usual. "she's having a quick meeting." i nod, walking around, touching the instruments and playing some. "that's a bad boy." i turn to see an unfamiliar face. brunette hair, nice sky blue eyes, and freckles with full lips. a septum piercing in his noise just like myself, tall and well dressed.

i place the instrument down before shoving my hands in my jacket pockets. "it's kind of nice." i shrug. "maybe i can introduce you to this. has a nice base and tune and is just so melodic when played with." i feel the wood of the guitar. "unfortunately, i'm not a guitar fan even though i know how to play it."

"so then what are you into?" he leans against the counter where pablo works silently. "i'm a pianist." he nods. the door around the corner back opens, tía kasy walks out, shaking hands with a tall suited up guy holding a briefcase.

"mi sobrina." tía kasy pulls me into a hug, rocking me back and forth. "wow, you're grown. i haven't seen you like - what - a month or so." i giggle shyly. "i was just busy with my designs and packaging." she pulls me to the sitting area just behind the reception.

"karter, bring us some tea." karter nods, turning around and walking into the mini kitchen. "how's the business?" she crosses her legs, leaning forward to hear about it. "it's going great. i get like 200 purchases in a day."

"that's great, you should think of opening a shop." i've thought about that before, 'indigo' would be the name. "i don't think i'm ready for it. plus, sharky's siblings help me with design ideas."

karter comes back with some tea as he places it on the small coffee table. i love me some tea, especially lemon tea or tea with honey. i sip onto the tea, humming at the flavor.

"speaking about that boy, sharky. does he know yet?" i look at her in confusion. "see, this is how i know i haven't seen you in a while." aunt kasy throws her hands in the air, smacking her lips in the process. "don't you remember telling me about your feelings towards this boy?"

i mouth an 'oh' before hiding my face in embarrassment. "so? does he know?" i place my cup of tea down before shaking my head. "what are you waiting for?" i shrug, "i don't think i'm ready." i really am not, and i don't think he is too.

"no one in the perez family gives up so easily, sobrina. you need to try harder and harder." i start overthinking about everything. "but what if he doesn't see me they way i see him, tía kasy?" she shifts her body towards my side.

"you must be ready for everything, love. be ready for rejection and be strong. yes, it will hurt, but stay strong, don't lose yourself." she cups my cheeks. i pout not knowing how to process everything.

. 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘 || 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐝Where stories live. Discover now