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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞


Song: Soul
By: Osa

~ indigo ~

"welcome back, fam! i haven't uploaded in like 2 months now, i've been busy with my designs and packaging that i lost track of time and forgot that i have a youtube channel." i form my lips into a thin line, acting guilty. "unfortunately, sharky couldn't make it for today's video due to the weather."

i clap my hands in excitement. "imma be back." i make sure to get some water and some food since i haven't eaten since morning. i have been busy packaging some clothes, which i need to send to the post office later on today. "on today's video, we are going to be watching or rating pov videos."

my face turns disgusted as i slowly look back at the camera. "i know, so just prepare for the worst." i open up the folder at which i saved the videos. "i got some of my own that i searched for. some of ya'll sent these to me, and I appreciate it."

i give a side eye towards the camera, my lips forming into a smile. i have to be honest, i miss being on youtube and making some videos, but my youtube life isn't the only life i have. "here we go! first video coming up!"


i wrap the towel around my body as i step in front of the mirror. i start washing my face as usual, making sure my ears are included. after a whole day of videotaping and editing, i can relax and watch some movies. i get myself dressed into some shorts and sharky's sweatshirt that he left a week ago after lynn's baby shower.

i walk downstairs, grabbing some snacks when a knock is placed at the door. i open it to see maeve standing there with an umbrella over her head while the rain pours. "come in." i left her in, placing her umbrella where the rest of ours sit.

"the rain is heavy outside." she wipes her hoodie, which is wet in certain places. "what brings you here in this dreadful weather?" we walk together towards my room, which is a bit dark since i was getting ready to watch a movie.

"i just thought of seeing you." i thank her as we both hop in under the covers and playing the movie. "i really missed you." she holds my hand as i smile. "i missed you too." we lay back as the movie starts.

~ maeve heist ~

i grab some chips as i pop them in my mouth. "she's such a bitch for doing that to tess." i say as we continue watching. "and hardin is just a douche." we both laugh. "so this is what you do everyday?" i ask indigo. she shakes her head, fixing her sitting position.

"i spend more time vlogging, with sharky and making new outfits. this is like once in a while thing." i feel a sharp pain in my heart but i pretend as if it's nothing. "speaking about sharky, where has he been?" i sit up too, looking at indigo who looks at the tv.

"the last time i saw him in person was like a week ago where he sleptover at my place and the last time we spoke over the phone was last night." the way she speaks about him sparks jealousy in me.

she speaks about him as if she's trying to push it in my face that sharky is hers. i have liked sharky ever since indigo introduced him to me and i have wanted to get close to him just the way they are close to each other. she's living my fantasy right now.

. 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘 || 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐝Where stories live. Discover now