Chapter 6

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I don't talk to any of the boys for a couple days but ultimately I need to call Jett. The fighting is already too much for me to handle.

"Jett. It's so good to hear your voice."
"It's really good to hear your voice too Delilah."
"I'm sorry I haven't reached out the past couple of days. It's just that my depression is already back in full force cause of my parents. They're always fighting and it's like I'm not even here."
"That sucks Lilah. It really sucks I'm so sorry you have to be there with that going on."
"I just have to make it to December."

I'm talking to the boys more often now, they're really the only thing helping me through all my parent's bullshit.

Jett: Are you coming to Anaheim for the opening race?

Me: Yes I will be there.

Jett: Yes!!!!

I laugh to myself when my phone starts ringing and I see it's Jason.
"What's up Jay?"
"Lemme guess you just told Jett you're gonna be here for Anaheim?"
"Why yes I did. How did you know?"
"I heard him yell from across the way."
"Oh goodness."
"D I think you should reconsider his offer for a date. After all, it is past December and you still haven't graduated."
"I know I haven't but I'm going to after this semester. And then I'll think about being with Jett."
"Don't lie to yourself kid, there's no thinking about it. You want to be with him."
"I know I do but it's easier if I pretend I'm not completely into him."
We talk a bit more before he has to go and I have to leave for the airport. Anaheim is in two days but I wanna get there tonight so I have two days to hangout with the boys. I get to the airport and can't contain my excitement. The flight takes so long but finally I'm pulling up to the hotel that the boys are staying in.
I go to Jason's room first and knock on the door. He pulls it open with a smile on his face and I rush into him with a hug. He hugs me back and I laugh a little. All my depression and stress from my parents just melted away. He takes my bags and walks down the hall to Hunter and Jett's room and knocks on the door while I hide around the corner.
I hear the door open and Hunter's voice. "Jason what's up, who's bags are those?"
I pop around the corner and he stands there in shock until I wrap him in a hug and he hugs me back. I hear some pounding and the next thing I know is Hunter is being pulled off me and Jett is picking me up and spinning me around. He sets me down and kisses my forehead.
"I can't believe you're here right now. I didn't think you were coming until Saturday."
"Nope I wanted to come early so I could hang with you guys." He gives me another right hug and I never want to let him go.
I spend the night in Hunter and Jett's room that night snuggled up to Jett with his arm around me with his mouth open and snoring.

DelilahA: first time thought I should dress like the pros

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DelilahA: first time thought I should dress like the pros

Jettison18: 😍😍😍😍

Elhombre21: so excited for you to be there

Saturday comes and I'm nervous. It's my first time being at a supercross event. I find out it's basically the same as motocross but they televise the heats and lcqs as well. The time comes for Jett's heat, Hunter was in the first one and got first. Jett goes out there and absolutely crushes the competition. He gets first by a wide margin and when he comes back I run to him and throw my arms around his waist.
The time comes for his main and I get even more nervous. I just want him to do good and not be upset with himself. He goes off the line and gets the holeshot and is gone from there. He leads the whole race and never once falters, he rides the perfect race. When he comes back I run to him.
"Jett you did amazing out there! I'm so proud of you!"
"Thank you sweetheart that means more than you know." He throws a sweaty arm around my shoulder before going to the podium and answering all their questions.
He comes down and gives me a big hug and I can hear all the cameras snapping away. I smile and hesitate but decide not to. Not yet.

Sunday comes faster than I wanted and it's like deja vu, us three being at the airport again saying goodbye. Jason and Hunter are like usual but when I get to Jett and look at him, I decide what I want to do.
"Hey guys can you give us some space please?"
They say sure and say their last goodbyes and head outside.
"Jett, I know I've said that I'm not dating until I graduate. And I still stand by that at the beginning of this trip. But now there's just one thing I want from you."
He nods eagerly and looks at me. "Anything you want sweetheart."
"Kiss me."
He crashes his lips onto mine and his hands grip on my waist and my arms find his neck and wrap around it. The sweet bliss I feel is a feeling I know I'll be able to take with me for the next couple months while I'll have to be away from Jett. We pull away and just look at each other. I give him a giant squeezing hug and he squeezes me back.
"Jett, I want to be your girlfriend. I know it's gonna be tough but I wanna work through it with you. I just know I need you by my side while I finish dealing with my parents."
"Then my girlfriend you will be. As of today, I hope these next couple months go by fast for the both of us. I'll see you soon Lilah."
"Bye Jett."

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