Chapter 7

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Jett and I FaceTime everyday and count down the days until we see each other again. I have a special plan to surprise him at Indy but he thinks I won't be there until two weeks after. I graduated early and am packing up all my stuff. When I say all of it I mean every single thing. I'm moving in with Jason permanently so I have to go to his house first and drop all my stuff off and then head to Indy. When I get off the plane I go straight to my new house and drop my stuff off. I don't want to decorate it or unpack yet I just wanna get to Indy. I get back on another plane after seeing Jett texted me.
I ignore his text and decide to just tell him I've been busy with school work all day studying for finals. I take a nap on this flight and wake up when I feel us descending. I pack my stuff up and get ready to get off the plane. When we do I text Jason.

Me: hey I just landed I'll be at the hotel in 15 minutes. Make sure Jett and Hunter stay in their room please.

Jason: okay. The front desk knows you're coming, just stop there real quick and grab a key card. I'm in the boys' room with them so they won't be leaving.

Me: thanks you're the best cuzzo.

I get to the hotel and quickly get up to our room and relax on the bed. I have three days of being stuck in this room and hopefully the surprise won't get spoiled. I'm planning on entering the arena as a normal fan, I even bought a ticket so I don't have to use my pass and then I'm gonna stand in line to wait for Jett's autograph. I know it's risky that I might not be able to see him but if that happens I'll just whip out my pass and walk in the tent.
We had a couple close calls where Hunter and Jett almost opened the door while I was in there but Jason helped distract them and lead them away. Finally it's Saturday and I wait until it gets closer to opening time before I head to the arena. I wanna get there kinda early so my chances of seeing Jett the way I want is better. I get in line and pray no one notices me and tries to make a big stink. There were two girls in front of me a little bit and they kept turning around and whispering to themselves. They let people go in front of them so they could be in front of me.
"Are you Delilah? Jett's friend?"
I look around hoping people didn't hear and nod. "Yeah I am. I'm here to surprise him." They squeal and clap.
"Can we help you in any way?"
"Uh yeah actually. I need to get in line to see Jett and actually see him." They nod excitedly.
"We can help. As soon as we get in there we'll run to the Honda tent and get in line. You take your time getting in there."
"Thank you guys so much. You have no idea how awesome you are."
They try and play it off like it's nothing but I keep telling them how cool they are to help me out. The gates open and sure enough as soon as the girls get cleared they run off. I go to a merchandise stand and buy a Jett shirt. I want to blend in as much as possible right now. I walk outside to all the rugs and walk through trying to find Honda. I'm not even stopping at Kawasaki because someone would recognize me and I don't want them going and telling Jett that I'm here.
I find the girls and stand in line with them. They're about halfway through the already very long line. I see Jett come out of the trailer and everyone goes crazy and my heart rushes. He gives me butterflies every time I see him still, even after all this time. He signs a couple autographs but then has to go out for qualifying. The line moves up a little bit and we wait for him to come back.
When he does come back I get a rush through my whole body. Something is telling me this is it, I'll get to see him and hold him in just a couple minutes. The girls block me so he can't see me. At the last second the girls switch with me. When Jett looks back up his face is in utter shock. He reaches out and throws his arms around me and pulls me in for a tight hug. I hug him back and laugh.
"I thought you weren't gonna come to a race for another two weeks. What happened? How are you here right now?"
"I graduated early."
"I'm so glad you're here. I'm gonna win for you tonight. Remember you're my good luck charm."
I pull away and shake my head. "You don't need a good luck charm Jett." He helps me hop the fencing and goes to walk away.
"Wait babe. These two girls helped me with surprising you."
He walks back over to them and signs their stuff and takes a picture with them then comes back over to me. We go behind the barrier inside the tent and the next thing I know Jett is kissing me. I relax into it and put my hands on his waist, gripping his jersey.

DelilahA: had to surprise the bf at his race

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DelilahA: had to surprise the bf at his race

Jettison18: I love you so much Lilah

Elhombre21: you're welcome for the help

Hunterlawrence: it was great to see you

"Did you just get in today? You must be tired. Lay down in the rig if you want. I'll wake you up before the races start." I smile and shake my head.
"No I've been here for three days already. I've been hiding out in Jason's hotel room."
His jaw hangs open. "Three nights we could've slept in the same bed and you didn't tell me you were here?"
"I wanted to surprise you here."
"I'm glad you did."
He grabs my hand and we go sit down at a table. Hunter walks out of the rig and sees me standing there and runs over giving me a hug.
"What are you doing here? Not that I'm not super excited to see you, just confused."
"I told Jett, I graduated early so I decided to come surprise you guys."

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