Break The Cycle

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☠ Ghosts POV ☠

She layed there motionless. She didn't move, didn't make a sound. But she still had a heartbeat, even if it was faint. Guilt went through me. But if I didn't hit her, Ricky could be dead right now, and that scared me more than anything.

"Ricky, call an ambulance." I told him as calmly as possible.

"Why?! She almost killed me and you want me to call an ambulance for her?!" He questioned with anger.

"Richard Allen Olson III, I said call an ambulance. I'm not going to let here die. She could have a mental disorder for all we know. And I promise, when she gets out of the hospital, we'll press charges." I told him firmly.

"Fine. Only because I love you." He said dialing 9-1-1. "Yes, hello. There's a girl unconscious with a really faint pulse."

"Ok what's your address sir?" I heard the women ask. He had her on speaker in case I needed to say something.

"Um 6573 Riverside Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri." I told the lady since Ricky had no idea where we were.

"Ok. An ambulance is on its way." She told us. We thanked her and hung up.

"Hey guys! Shows in-" We turn around to see the guys standing there and ambulance sirens getting closer.

"Well explain after the show. When the ambulance gets here, we need to start the show asap. Then me and Ricky will probably have to go to the police station." I tell them, kneeling next to Melissa.

The ambulance came shortly after and pick up Melissa. They asked us a few vague question then left so we could do the show. Our Set list went like this: Abagail, Puppets, Sissorhands, Ghost in the Mirror, Billy in 4C never saw it coming, To keep from getting burned, Creatures, and finished with Immaculate Misconception.

* During the show *

The whole time, I was freaking out about the whole crazy ex thing. What if I go to jai, I can't go to jail, I would literally die in the there. What if they didn't have enough proof. There were bruises on Ricky's neck to prove it but still.

All these negative thoughts were going through my head, I'm surprised that I didn't mess up my parts. With my favorite bass broken, I had to use this plain black one. But hey, I saved my boyfriend and that was worth breaking my bass.

"Thank you so much Kansas City! You've been amazing!" I heard Chris yell into the mic indicating the end of the show.

"But me and Ghost have something to say before you leave." Ricky said walking up to me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. He handed me the mic wanting me to tell the fans.

"Um, well, Ricky and I are dating." The faces ranged from shocked, to happy, to angry. Some of them even walked out of the venue. But that was only maybe about 10 people. The rest cheered. Tears of happiness flowed from my eyes. I couldn't believe that they were this excepting.

"Thank you guys so much for the amazing support! We love you so much!" Ricky yelled into the mic. We walked off the stage, hand in hand, with happiness pouring out of us.

But then reality settled in.

We have to go to the police station were I might go to jail. Melissa might come back and actually kill us. There were more bad things that could happen than good.

We head to the bus to tell the others we'll be back. We got into the car and drove to the police station.

Time for questioning.

** oh my Kellin Quinn! Guys this book has 240+ reads! Thank you so much! The next chapter will be about the questioning at the station and more shït. Sorry for any mistakes. And the place is completely made up but I'm sure you already knew that.

Fan, comment, vote, all that amazing stuff

Go to Warped and meet Johnnie and Defizzy.

- Ryan Sitkowski

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