I'll watch the blood drip down your mouth.

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☠ Ghosts pov ☠

I never intended to get here. The popular phrase, 'I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.' That's kinda how my life went.

Except, it's not selling drugs or being a 'thug'.

It's being a killer.

Now when I say I'm a killer, I don't mean I kill people just because. People hire me too kill the people they feel threatened by, people that get on their bad side, or just people they want out of there lives.

And that's exactly how I met Melissa.

Me and Melissa have known each other for about five years.

I started doing this when I was fifteen. I'm twenty now. She was like a mother to me. She took me in when none of the others would.

Then after a mission, she changed. She turned cold and seemed like she gave up on being her nice, happy self.

That's also when she started beating me.

The others knew, they just didn't want to get on Mel's bad side.

I had to address her as 'ma'am' and 'ms.mel'. Anything else and that would just add to the beating.

I had scars and bruises too prove all of it. But if I told any of the police, there was a bigger chance of me getting caught then me not.

It just wasn't a risk I wasn't willing to take. If it weren't for the organization, I would be one of multiple things.

I could one: be dead. Be dead of starvation, be dead of someone shooting me, dead in just being homeless in California (A/N overdramatizing.)

I could be two: working as a male stripper or prostitute. Those were two jobs I wouldn't do even in a life or death situation.

Or three: I could be in jail. Would've been caught stealing from shopping centers or grocery stores.

God only knows how much shit I would have gotten in jail.

"What do you want Devin?" Alex, the I guess you could say 'pack leader' asked me.

"I need a place to stay and a job. I kinda only thought of this place." I told him scratching the back of my neck out of nerves.

"And what makes you think that the others and I would ever let you back into the organization?" He spat at me with venom dripping.

I kinda left on a bad note. To say the least, I almost got this group caught and busted. It wasn't on purpose.

I was told that I had a six month break because I killed the top dog in a rival group. So I decided I wanted to change up my hair.

I died it half blonde, half black. Being in a lighted area, it would be very easy to spot and find me.

Long story short, I had to do a mission because a client specifically wanted me. I went, not a good idea, and they almost identified me.

"Look, that was two years ago Alex! It won't happen again." He gave me an unconvinced look, but put him hand out.

"How long are you planning on staying?"

"A while." I don't know if Ricky or the guys would ever take me back for what I did.

Hell, I wouldn't take me back. I just hope he'll find someone and be happy.

"Well I hope your not too rusty, we've got a mission in twenty. Go get dressed and tell Jack to introduce you too the new guy." I nodded and walked upstairs to Jacks room.

"Hey Jack! It's Devin. Alex wanted you to introduce me to the new kid." I said through the closed door. Last time I didn't knock, I walked into Jack and Alex doing things I can't get out of my head.

I shuddered at the thought as Jack opened the door shirtless.

"C'mon. Let's go meet this dude."

We walked down the hall exchanging small talk about our life's the past couple months.

"So you joined a band? Did you meet someone?" He asks nudging my shoulder.

"God Jack. But yeah, I did. He was the best." I told him blushing.

"What's his name?"

"Ricky Horror." I told him. He stopped in the middle of the hall and turned towards me.

"Ricky Allen Olson?"

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"He's who were going after next."

My whole heart dropped.

No. No we can't go after him.

I remember falling to the ground as Jack yelled for help.

So much for not getting into anymore contact with Ricky.

But I will not let them kill Ricky. No matter how much trouble I get in.

** you guys are the best fucking ever! I was having the worst day and you guys cheered me up with fucking 1k reads! Ilysm

Bbbuutttt so now we know what Ghost does.

Is Ricky going to live?! Jk he his.


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Life's a bitch, don't quit.

- Ryan seaman

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