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I take the bass and run out on stage getting that burst of energy that I've needed. Playing just fills the void inside of me and I'm hooked to playing like a drug addict is addicted to its drugs. I need the feeling of playing or else I fall into a deep, lonely void that I don't even know how to escape.

We got to the breakdown and from Motionless' breakdowns, I've become a master at them.

I was a riser with my foot up when I feel something hit the top of my head. Like a rain drop, but we were inside.

I look at to see a waterfall of red liquids falling onto me. It gets in my eyes, nose, and mouth.

I start to panic when it starts burning my eyes and I couldn't breath. I drop the bass and clutch at my throat, trying desperately to get oxygen to my body. I start crying when all else fails. I couldn't see, my eyes were hazy and no matter how much I coughed and spit out the liquid, I still couldn't get a gasp of air.

I drop to my knees bawling. It didn't help with the burning in my eyes. If anything, it made it worse. I hear Danny scream for everyone to stop and Ben throwing his guitar and running somewhere. But it was opposite from me.

"Ben!" I scream out with whatever breath I had left. I just needed him. At this point all the crowd as chattering with worry.

"You deserve it you little band whore!" I hear someone scream from the crowd. Just the fact that some of the fans thought that made my tears come faster and faster.

"Sh, it'll all be okay." I hear Cams voice whisper in my ear. I lean into him since I had no idea where Ben was.

My eyesight had gotten a little better, Danny had ran off and gotten me a wet rag. I rubbed furiously at my eyes, each time getting more and more off.

After 5 minutes of continuous wiping, my eyesight had pretty much gotten back to its regular vision. My breathing had steadied out a bit but was still hard to get a large amount in.

I look around the stage to try and find Ben. After scanning and looking around, I see him come back with Ricky. Bens hand wrapped around Ricky's shirt. Which was also covered in the red liquid.

"What the fuck did you just pour on him?!" He screamed in Ricky's face. Ricky flinched with the direct questions.

"The bitch got what he deserved." Ricky retorted back. These got the tears starting again. Memories flooding back. Too many bad memories for me to handle at once.

I got up off the stage and pushed everyone away as I ran back to the tour bus.

I reached the bus and locked the door when I got in. This whole show had been a disaster. Ricky hates me. He probably got TJ to help him. The fact that he hates me made the situation a whole lot worse. It high school all over again.

flashback ☠ {~}

I was walking down the hallway with my friend, Nikki. We were heading to the lunch room as my ex, Garret was making a bee line towards me.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He growled in my face. He does this often but never goes through with his threats. Today felt different.

"I don't know what your talking about." I say, tying to push past him.

"Oh, your coming with me." He grabs my arm and drags me to the janitors closet.

He pushes me into the dark room and turns on the light.

I turn and face him to be met with him and a knife. A very long, sharp knife.

"Look, Garret, you really don't want to do this." I say backing into a wall.

"Oh, but I do. I've been planning this for weeks now and today, I'm finally going through with it." He grabs me and strips me of all my clothes.

"Please don't do this. I'll do anything!" I cry out as he grabs my arms.

"There's nothing I want from you except you dead." He starts making deep, long cuts all over my arms and starts moving towards my stomach.

I've lost so much blood that I pass out. Where are all the people that say they'll save me from all my monsters and demons?! Where are they?!

end flashback

The pain from that day never left me. From then on, I shut out the world and never let anyone touch me. The rest of high school year, I never talked. People spread the rumor that I was rap.ed. Or that my parents got my tongue cut out because they couldn't stand me anymore. All these rumors swirled around that slowly I lost all my friends. I wanted to defend myself. And every time I got the courage, I saw Garret and every single drop of confidence and courage went out the window.

I drop to the ground and look up. I've made my way to the bathroom. I've had a love hate relationship with this room since I was little.

I replayed moments of all the times in this room. Each memory bringing back these voices. The aches. The scratching at old scars.

I bolt to the sink. I look under trying to find the small relief that I desperately needed.

"Looking for this?" A voice said from the door.

I jump a mile high and look at who was at the door.

"How'd you know?" I ask. No one knew except very close friends from school. I hadn't seen them in years.

"You really don't think any of us noticed your arms and legs? Your whole body in general. Devin please. You can't do this." He pleaded with me.

"How'd you even get in here? I locked the door." I side tracked from the topic at hand.

"I always come here when I want to get away for my band or the noise." He says.

"Can I please just have them back?" I try and reach for them, but he pulls them back.

"Devin, please. We can't loose you. You mean so much to Ben. Do you know how heartbroken he'd be?" He tried to talk to me. I've heard all these before. People don't care about you. They only use you and I had to learn the hard way. I let people in too easily now.

"No he wouldn't. No one would. They would are for maybe a week. Then carry on with their lives." I said.

"I'm not letting you do this." He said walking towards the door.

"Andrew Dennis Biersack, you get your ass back here and give me those back!" I yell at him.

"No." He walks out the bus and towards the lake.

"Andy please!" I run after him. The closer he gets to the lake, the stronger the desires become. "Andy!"

"I'm not going to let you harm yourself Devin! There's no way I would do that! To many people care about you!" He unzipped the pouch and took them out one by one.

"Andy, you know what it's like. Just one more." I drop down in front of him.

"You either let me do this myself or I can go get all the bands." He threatened. I realized those weren't my only ones.

I get up off the ground and return to the bus, hearing him throw them in the lake.

"I also have your spares." He tells me. I run to the bus and look for them. Sure enough, there not there. I collapse on the ground in heaping sobs.

I just can't take any more of this. Everyone thinks I'm a waste of space. I've known it and now I have proof.

There's nothing to hold onto and I'm too deep in my own grave.

** sorry for the hella depressing chapter. Was in my mind and had to get it out.

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- Jack Skellinton.

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