Dates and Memories.

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☠ Ghosts pov ☠

We arrived at the movies only to half way through, leave. TJ started kissing my neck and I just couldn't take it anymore.

I grabbed him and pulled him to the bathroom. He locked the door and slammed me against it. I let out a short, low moan. Seeing his dominate side turned me on.

I felt my phone ring and reached for it, but so did TJ. Him being the stronger one got it and threw it to the other side of the bathroom.

"We'll deal with it after this." He whispered seductively while probably leaving a very big mark on my neck.

"W-we have t-to get back to the movie." I stutter, barely getting the words out.

"Screw the movie. How about we go back to a hotel I got us for the night?" I was so close to saying yes, but a nagging felling was telling me to go back to the bus.

"I'm not feeling so good." Lies. All lies. I wanted to. I really did. But I knew there was something I had to go fix.

"Maybe another time then." He kissed me softly before we left. I grabbed me phone and looked at the screen.

From: Prince Ricky 👑
The court dates tomorrow at ten am. Be ready.

Prince Ricky? Why would his name be Prince Ricky?

To: Prince Ricky 👑
What court date?

From: Prince Ricky 👑
The court date to see how long Melissa will spend in prison for almost killing me.



Melissa's the one who almost killed Ricky because she found out me and Ricky were..


Me and Ricky were actually dating! Then how did I forget all these things?

"TJ, I need to you take me to the ER right now."

"Is everything okay?!" He asks frantically.

"Yeah, I just need to check something." He drives me to the ER and I ask for a doctor for some questions.

"Mr.Sola, Dr. Hills is ready to see you." I stand up and so does TJ. I look back at him asking him to stay back. I don't want him to see this then think I was using him if it's true.

I walk into Dr. Hills' office/exam room already firing questions at him.

"Can you get memory loss from a concussion?" He looks at me shocked (A/N: I'm completely over exaggerating for the purpose of this book. Don't kill me)

"It's very rare and uncommon for a memory loss to happen. And if it happened, it would only last for a couple hours. When did you get the concussion?"

"Two, three days ago." I tell him.

"What do you remember from before the concussion."

"Just, just waking up in the hospital. The last thing I remember is me flying out to Pennsylvania from Cali. Then everything is a blur from there. There's tiny bits and pieces but other then that nothing." I tell the doctor. He gives me a concerned face.

"Has anyone tried to get you to remember anything?"

"Um, Ricky. He keeps trying to show me pictures but-"

"Let him. Let him so you the pictures. Pictures help your mind figure out where to put the missing puzzle pieces." I give him a worried look but he tells me to go home right now and tell Ricky to show me any pictures or videos.

*back at the bus*

I walk quickly out of TJ's car, not wanting questions. I walk, more like sprint, to Ricky.

"Show me pictures! Show me any pictures or videos you have of me and you supposedly together." I tell him. His eyes brighten and he runs to his bunk and shoves the same box in my face.

I look at all the pictures and some look familiar while others look weird.

"Here. Watch this." He shows me his phone and plays a YouTube video titled, 'Ghost and Ricky Horror announce their relationship.'

The longer I watch it, the more and more memories come back. Some will come back and stay, while other come then almost seem to disappear.

I start to tear up but then remember a swear I told myself. Do not cry in front of the guys.

I look up at Ricky to be met with his eyes looking straight into mine.

"I'm so sorry," I say. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I'm so sorry I didn't let you help me. This whole thing could have been resolved already if I would have just trusted you!" I kept apologizing because all this guilt and horrible feelings were eating me alive for not trusting the one person I was in love with.

"Hey, look at me, its not your fault. You didn't ask for your memory to be stolen from you. I'm sure I would have been the same way if someone kept trying to what I did to you. I should be the one apologizing." I look in his eyes and feel a pull forcing me to lean in. And I wasn't fighting it either. But he pulls back.

"Do you remember the incident with Melissa?" He asks me.

"Um, I think I do." I look at him and he nods for me to tell him, "Wasn't she the one who tried to choke you because of me?" The thought that I could've killed this angel frightened me.

"No, it's not because of you, it's because she couldn't handle the fact that I loved someone else. Tomorrow will you testify?" Was that even a question.

"Of course."

"Hey Devi! Where are you?" TJ called out from what seemed like the kitchen.

I look at Ricky frightfully. "What do I do now? He thinks we're starting a serious thing." I tell him.

"I got this. Stay back here for a second." Fear courses through me imagining all the worse. What if TJ tries to kill Ricky? What if Ricky does something bad to TJ?

TJ comes to the back lounge fuming.

"You were with emo trash while you were with me too?!" He screams.

"N-no. I was with Ricky then-" I felt a burning pain in a right cheek. It starts to really burn.

"Don't you dare give me an excuse! You are one cheating whore!" He screams at me. I try to scream back but Ricky pulled me back.

"What the did you do to him?!" He asks, almost as furious as TJ.

"I taught him lesson. That's what I did."

"That it TJ! You can't keep screwing up and expecting us to forgive you! Your off-"

"You can't kick me off the tour. Where are you going to find another bassist?" TJ asked with a smirk. He knew they couldn't. It was true. And every other band was on tour.

Ricky sighed in defeat knowing we couldn't risk it. "You touch Dev or Ange one more time, I swear you won't live to see the next year."

"Oh so scary." He said walking out of the back lounge with hands in fake fear.

What else could go wrong.

** 1172 words. I thought you guys could go with a large chapter. Hope you like it. Sorry for any mistakes.

So is the memory loss from the concussion or something else?

Warped is love. Warped is life.

Peace out thug pugs.

-Johnnie Guilburt

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