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"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry."

"You don't God damn sound it."

"But, I just wanted to fight you. I shouldn't have to be sorry."

"You fucking drugged my girlfriend! Of course you should be sorry!"

"Okay, boys, break it up. We're all brothers here. Well...apart from you, (Y/N)."

Wow. All I came for was a quick sorry but this was turning into a full blown argument...

"Okay, seriously. Amiamon, it's fine, I understand why you did what you did. Mephisto, there is no need to compensate me for this. Rin, calm your tits."

"Let's go, (Y/N)," Yukio said, escorting Rin and myself out of Mephisto's office.

"That was a lot less serious than what I thought he was going to say," I muttered to myself on the walk back to the dorm.

"I think Mephisto was maybe counting on Rin going nuts and wanted to make sure everything was ok," Yukio explained.

"Yeah, maybe. Anyways, I have a big surprise!" I said excitedly.

"Ooooooh, what is it, (Y/N)?! I love surprises!" Rin said like an excited puppy.

"You'll just have to wait and see tomorrow!"


Tomorrow couldn't come quick enough for Rin. He text me around 10 times during the night just about the 'surprise'. It really wasn't that great anyways, it was just a thing I wanted to do with the exorcist bunch.

"Class dismissed. Homework is due for Friday," Yukio said as he packed away his books in his bag.

"Actually, Mr. Okumura, could I speak to everyone whilst we're still here?" Bon asked, catching everyone's attention.

"Is this the surprise?" Rin whispered only to me.

"Wait a god damn minute, Okumura!"

"Okay, well, (Y/N) and I wanted to invite you all to the temple for a week because we are going home and we thought it would be a really good opportunity for everyone to get hands on experience with their exorcist training."

There was a chorus of 'yeah!'s and 'okay' and one 'ugh', but it wouldn't be hard to guess who said that. I was glad that everyone was on board. Well...

"Mr. Okumura, don't you have something to say about this?" asked Izumo.

"Actually, I've already spoken with Bon and it is perfectly fine. I think it will be a great learning opportunity for you all."

Izumo let out a huff whilst the rest of the small class buzzed with excitement about the upcoming trip. I was so excited to be going back home for a while.

"(Y/N), does this mean I'll get to meet your family? Oh god, this is scary. I'm a demon, they'll hate me," Rin said, panicking but I could only laugh.

"Don't be silly, Rin. They'll love you. I don't really have that much family anyways so they'll need to love you either way!"

"And that is supposed to make me feel better?!"


I knocked on Rin and Yukio's door. Shouts and muffled movements were heard from the inside. I could imagine Rin probably only just woke up.

"Guys, come on, we need to go! The train is in an hour!" I shouted until they both eventually emerged with their suitcases and backpacks.

"Sorry, Rin is a very inadequate packer," Yukio explained.

"And mole face is a complete pain in the ass. Let's get going."

The train journey was pretty long and uneventful. The Kyoto clan (which I suppose included me) were a bit jittery and excited to be returning home for a little while. Shiemi insisted we visit some flower shop that she heard about online when we got there, something about it having the best sunflower seeds in Japan or something? I don't know. Izumo suggested the kennels to see animals but quickly shut up when we noticed her sense of compassion for a living thing. Yukio sat alone reading some boring textbook and Rin and I just enjoyed the scenery. Well, that's how I wish it could have gone but Rin wouldn't shut up with his constant 'are we there yet?'s so that was a bit of a dampener on the beautiful journey. Only 2 more hours to go...


We made it alive. Barely.

"Okay guys, we can walk from here, it isn't far," Bon stated to the rest of the group. It took us around 20 minutes to finally reach the steps to the temple.

"Oh goodness, that is a lot of stairs," Shiemi mused to herself, I understood her fear though, she was very weak.

"I'll help you," Yukio said, not even flustered.

"Aw, thanks, Yuki!"

God why wouldn't they just get together already.

"And here we are, guys. You can go to your rooms and set down your bags for now. I'll meet you all at 7 o'clock in the dining room for a meal," Yukio explained to the class as he was the one leading us after all. We did as he said and settled into our rooms.

I shared with Izumo and Shiemi, Bon, Shima and Miwa had their own rooms already and Yukio and Rin took the spare room. It was a little cramped for a small temple but it was nonetheless enjoyable.

"Do we need to wear anything fancy to dinner?" Izumo asked me, sifting through her suitcase.

"Not particularly, it's not a special event or anything. You can always dress up if you want, though, for your little Shima-chan!" I joked, although she didn't find it amusing. Luckily, Shiemi did.

"What's up with the 'chan'? Anyways, I don't even like him. At all. And Shiemi, you have some nerve to laugh after today's events!" Izumo retaliated, her cheeks puffing out in anger.

"Whatever do you mean, Izu?"

"You were all over Mr. Okumura. All, 'carry-me-up-these-stairs-senpai-I'm-so-fragile' and stuff. God, could you get more pathetic?!"

"Ignore her, Shiemi," I said as I seen her face stir with the sour words that Izumo said, "She just can't handle being deeply in love with Shima and has to revert the attention from herself. Anyways, let's go to dinner."

And off we went.

[A/N: Hi...Yep...It's me...oh god please don't burn me. I'm so sorry for being gone for a month but I didn't know what to write at all. Hopefully this is satisfactory! I nearly teared up a little this afternoon when I realised I hit 3K, thanks so much! Love you all :) - Sizzlesnowflake]

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