The water is almost as nice as a welcome. (Blue like your kindness)

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Hey i'm here to apologize for the past 2 chapters, those were uploaded a long time ago. Forever won't be mentioned ever again in this fanfiction, or any other from here on out<3


"I'm actually 18, so I can, within the resistances rules, accompany them." Ranboo says, arguing with Wilbur. "You turned 18 2 days ago! That is nowhere near enough! There's no way-- Let's see Cellbit." Ranboo rolled his eyes and grinned evilly. Cellbit was a good guy that knew how to play by the rules. He'll let them accompany Tommy and Tubbo. "Bet."

Tubbo follows as they go look for Cellbit- Raboo purposefully asked at noon so that if anything like that happened, they could get confirmation from whoever as no one got out at lunch time. "Cellbit! Ranboo here, as immature as ever since he's still a teen, wants to know if he can accompany Tubbo and Tommy outside, which i think isn't even a question to bother ASKING, but-" "Yeah, yeah he can."

Wilbur's face at his friend's betrayal was priceless. If he still had a phone, he would have a taken a photo by now.

"He's 18. And by the rules of the resistance, he's legally allowed to look after any kid over the age of 13 to go outside." Tubbo could just see Wilbur biting back his lip, trying not to curse out the man. It's actually quite funny. He can hear Tommy snicker behind him. "But.." Cellbit continues, which makes the trio's smile disappear and Wilbur's eyes shine back with hope. "We're about to go eat lunch, and you have to wait another hour after that to digest and for the zombies to calm down."

Which was fair. It didn't throw them into a rebellious fit or whatever, only a few people were able to go out at lunch, those were the higher ups like Cellbit, Etoiles, Fit, Phil, etc... And even then, it would only be during emergencies.

Problem was, hours after they'd finished eating, Wilbur was glued to his little brother. That god damn prick.

"Will you leave me alone, prick?! You're actually annoying me!" Tom complains, tryingto get out  of his brother's so-called hug. Not only was it embarrassing, but they had better things to do, like, spy on a weird ass looking underground building. Not like Wil knows that, but tries to know what they're up to. And the trio won't lie, this is making their want to share their knowledge even thinner than before.

Tommy holds back from actually hitting his brother, because he was so goddamn annoying. There already wasn't enough space for it to be comfortable in the bunker with basically a whole population living in it but walking around with a clingy ass sibling only made the struggle worse."Listen-!! Whether you like it or not, I'm getting the fuck out of here. It's hard to breath, it's stinky and outright ugly. I'm not doing anything illegal under the resistances' rules, i just want to get the fuck outta here, breath some fresh as air- as fresh as it can be, nowadays- and hang out with my friends! Is that too much to ask?"

Tommy sorta feels bad for snapping and yelling at Wilbur all at once. But he needed this, and Wilbur just... Wouldn't understand.

"Leave me alone."



"SAM!" Tom yells at today's guard, who was half sleeping. They need to stop giving him 24 hours shift- To think they haven't learnt from their past lessons...

"Yes Tommy?" What the fuck? wasn't he just sleeping? Whatever. 

"We just want the permission to pass through and exit." Ranboo spoke up, because it looks better when the adult asks instead of the child. Sam looks at all of them 3. "If one of you end up in the hospital coming back with Niki, you won't get permission from me to get out until all of you are adults. Alright?" The trio nodded agrressively as Sam let them pass by. 

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