Happiness is not your worth (I'll hold you dearly)

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'Do you like it here?' Tubbo reads the words fast- He doesn't want to loose a second to speak to WA02. It's been so long! Well, not really. It's been like, 2 days. But days have been pasisng by so slowly, it felt like more. 

'Yeah, I have. The water is nice.' His writing skills weren't getting any better, trying to write as fast as possible- He doesn't get why Fred's making him all this excited. Maybe because it's the first person he met here, the first person that gave him hope and information, the first person to basically make him realize, fuck. This was possible. 

'Yes. Well, I got recruited before the apocalypse, so i didn't live in the discomfort of survival, but most of my co-workers have.' He explains, 'I've tried to be the most attentionate i can be with everyone. I've seen those creatures, i can't believe people had to fight them everyday before coming here. I can't wait for everyone to be safe here. That's what i want, for every survivor to come here and to live in comfort.' 

..Oh? Well, let's just say WA02 seemed to be a GREAT source of information...

And although it doesn't quite look like it, Tubbo actually doesn't... Want it. It's too dangerous, he says. He's a WA. Those ranks are way too high up and WILL call you out on your bullshit. It's too dangerous, he says, speaking casually to it like they're best friends. 

It's not his fault if the guy is overly friendly, nice, pretty, and mostly just a great person to talk to. Genuinly, it's really not his fault, at the end of the day. 

WA02 will be the death of him. And that's not even him being funny. 

Tubbo doesn't forget though that he's actually not being funny. He's seen those creatures do.. Horrible, horrible things to humans before. Tommy's throat being torn off and Ranboo's cheeck got torn off not to mention he got stabbed. 

This was so dangerous, but as WA02 puts a hand on Tubbo's shoulder, looking at him with a worried expression, giving him a note saying- 'Are you lost in your thoughts, 19?' Tubbo forgets all of it. He- He's never experienced this. Someone being this nice. All he's experienced is his best friend's jokes and shananigans, highschool gossips about him and the disappointed look of adults when they found out they got out again. 

'I'm worried about you. You seem to be so energetic and then zone out... It's fine, i can support it, but please make sure to not show this side of you to :)' I'm worried about you. Everyone was worried about him nowadays- Phil begging him to stop going outside, Sam's looks as they get out with Ran once again, Etoiles always making sure to watch them for as long as he can, Niki's cries. 

He never liked to worry people. But he can't stop them anymore- When Zombies are all over the town and death is a second away. Not when he lost his drunk dad, who was laughing as the zombies ate him alive. Not when he lost Spreen, some random guy who decided he'd rather be one with the Zombies. Not when he lost Dan, going out and never coming back, increasing panic in Pogtopia. 

But WA02 wasn't like this. WA02 didn't see him as Tubbo, they saw him as 19. A young adult with a concerning personality, who probably lived through much more than him, and one he's trying to protect from whoever :) was. WA02 isn't worried that he might die, he's worried about if he's actually okay.

'Of course.' Tubbo answers. 'I'll be carefull, i always am.' 


"And what did you do, Tubbo?" Tommy asks as the sun's setting and they're heading back over to Pogtopia. "I tried to get information from WA02. I didn't get much, just more warnings about whoever this smiley guy is." 

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