Give it to the lucky, (Are you?)

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'..And you're not a worker at all, are you?'

Tubbo had kept the piece of paper in his pocket. Or at least what was supposed to be his pocket in those torn out trousers.

He'd denied it. He thought it would be easier to lie when he's writing, and not saying it out loud. After all, he had been lying for just about months now, hadn't he?

But his hands was shaky, his body was sweating, and his smile was faltering.

'..It's okay, Tubbo. I won't tell anyone. Just like I told nobody about the name.'

'..I love you.' He'd written down, and never shown the man.


"Tubbo, what's this?" Oh. Oh no.

Fit had found it. He'd found his white trench coat for the evil type looking- He doesn't have time for long names right now! Fit had found his trench coat for infiltration missions!

...Although.. "Mind explaining this?" He says, holding up a small piece of paper.

Oh. Oh no. Oh gods, this was even worse. He's found the piece of paper he'd never gathered that much guts to show WA02.

"Who's this from? Who's this for? I don't- I don't see anybody suited for you here, unless.." Oh don't you even dare, Fit. He would just combust on the spot. This was it, he'd blown it, all of it- "Unless you'd been meeting someone secretly?" There it was.

Tubbo had completely, utterly, blown it.

"You know we're open to new survivors in the camp! Sure they'd have to go through Techno, Cellbit, Phil, Etoiles, me too now that I think about it, Sam.. And just about any and all higher ups, but if you like them I'm sure they'll fit right in no problem."

Oh. Oh thank god. Tubbo doesn't know how this was any better- Fit had thought that he'd just found a solo survivor or group, and that he didn't know if they'd be willing to let them in.. But, no. No, he'd just found an underground organization.

Surprisingly, Tubbo doesn't even know what possibility was the worse. A new group or a weird looking organization? After all, they'd never gotten.. Any suspicious info on the organization so far. Sure, they had a little bit of an odd fashion style and their own spin off on plastic surgery, but they weren't evil. They just looked evil.

It went unsaid that Pogtopia had to never know about the organization.. But Tubbo couldn't help but wonder why. He'd have to ask, later on.

"It's.. Stop! I'm not telling you anything!" Tubbo says, pouting- But, Fit cuts him right off with just the right words: "I'm the Fofoca teller here, if you don't want ALL OF THE RESISTANCE TO KNOW ABOUT your little crush, then you might want to consider telling me more."

"It doesn't matter either way! You'll tell Pac-" "Of course I'll tell Pac, who do you take me for?" "Then Pac would tell Mike-" "Well, they're brothers, no?" "Then Mike would tell Charlie-" "As I said, brothers--" "And then I'm done for!" He finishes, which gets Fit to stop for a bit.. "Oh yeah, you're done for either way. So, who is it?"

Well, if Tubbo wasn't one to dig his grave deeper, he'd have said I don't know, or if he was really a stupid fucking idiot, he'd have said WA02. But no, since Tubbo is just stupid and not anything else, what he did was the most logical: "..F-fred!" He burst out the first name he thought about.



"Fred?" Tommy had said in disbelief, almost choking on his water- He doesn't, of course not, that would be a waste of water. Such pure water. Gift from the heavens, really.

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