Rain for the people, (If you're generous enough.)

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"I was so scared." Ranboo admits to Tubbo as they walk through the long corridor. "You going over there, everyone looking at you, then that guy just approaching you..." They continue on ranting. Tubbo just nodded along, it was quite scary- They didn't stay that long in there, too affraid to say something wrong. They're going up to the same school as before to collect their thoughts. 

Tubbo managed to get quite a few water bottles. 4, to be exact. One for each of them, and one for whoever spots it in the storage. Next time, they're bringing 4 bottles each to fill up one by one. They have this source of water, they can't keep it to themselves. 

They climb the ladder and get out by the same trap door. 

Some sort of relief takes over them, seeing the clouds once again. The fresh air of october just gives them some reassuring feeling. They're out of there, with no injury. That's actually a new achievement. 

They head over to the school, take out the clothes to make sure they're keeping them clean for the next time. There's no zombies around, which is odd because it's evening. They'll spend another hour or so out and then they'll come back home. 

"That was crazy- Dude, this water is a gift from heavens. I can't believe I used to take this for granted." Tommy says, taking a very small other sip from his water bottle. "I can't believe i prioritized looting over this.." He says, mostly to himself. "We both did important jobs, Toms. Looting was very important for the next time we'd come here, and, to get info. Those seems like offices. By the way, I'm naming you guys WD020 and WD021."

"Those are such weird names, Tobes." "I know. But WA02 named me WD019, so we can guess they're numerating people in this...Thing. And i'm guessing he named me on the spot, so that means he didn't count you two." 

"That's confusing." Ranboo remarks, but to Tubbo, it was just the natural guessing of his. "I'll take WD021, since i know Tom will want to be before me." "YEAH!" 

"Oh my god, shut up, Tommy!" Tubbo yells, 2 zombies were attracted by Tom's yells. He swears to god if Tommy was the reason Sam won't let them get out anymore and not the weird enterprise thingy, he'll kill that fucker. He gets out a madeshift bow and arrow while the child got out a knife. Ranboo took a nearby stick. 

Tubbo shoots an arrow to one of them while Tommy goes to the other with Ran. Ran blocks the Zombie with his stick while Tommy stabbed his organs repeatedly, Tubbo just kept shooting. It wouldn't be enough to put him down, but it could stall until they're done with the other to get rid of this one. It works, as they immediately move on to help him. 

Ran throws their stick at them to catch it's attention, they turn around to them giving Tubbo the chance to shoot an arrow, on the back while Tommy runs to scoop out his eyes, and slashes his throat. 

"Those were tough ones." Ranboo remarks. "Talk about yourself, stick boy! I got my knife!" Tommy yells- Oh my god, he's gonna be the death of them. The amount of scars he has by the fact he yells so much and he's still not learnt a fucking lesson. Goddamn. 

"Alright, we're going back home before Tommy gets us caught by any more fucking zombies." 


Yep, yep. Tubbo is thirsty. He totally isn't secretly putting a secret very clean water bottle in the storage for everyone to enjoy. 

He's so excited to share this water- It's litterally a gift from heavens. The water being so clear and delicious, drinking it was a blessing. 

He leaves it there. 

'Til The End Of The Earth (Guess We Found Out Where The Earth Ends) || FrubboWhere stories live. Discover now