Love is a weird name, (Give it to yourself.)

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...Tubbo's in a bit of a pickle. 

Now, it's not like it's been a secret- Really, the only thing he's keeping secret is the fact that he goes out everyday to go to an underground society type coded evil looking organization. But other than that, Tubbo would say he's a pretty open book. 

..Which is very inconvenient when you come to realize you've developped feelings of one of the highest working ranked person of the underground society type coded evil looking organization. 

It's nothing too bad per say. He spend a good 3 hours out of 5 of his outings speaking to him by the water fountain and drinking water. There's never really been anything between them-- But the act of drinking such a pure water with such a pure person. A person that actually cared about him. A person that didn't just see him as a bother since he was a child, a person who didn't just see him as a survivor. 

Well. He guesses that's the most he could get nowadays. It's fine. 

'I like your face.' WA02 once had written out for him. 'All the faces i've seen have been wiped in a matter of a couple of days. You've been here for weeks. I just wish to know how you've done it.' And Tubbo truly wishes he could answer himself. Because he doesn't even know the answer himself. How, how has he been surviving underground this long? Especially with no bruises? 

'I just listen to you and keep myself away from :).' Tubbo ends up on answering, because it's true; he's done everything this man told him to do so far, except if it went against his schedule with Tommy and Ranboo. 'I find that you're pretty helpful.' 'Well yeah, but you've got to meet it at some point. It's still our boss, you know? And without him we wouldn't be here.' Tubbo finds himself genuinely doubting that-- From what he's heard so far, :) did nothing but found the organization. 

Truly, whoever this WS01 seems to be the true one guiding it all, along with all her co-workers. 

'From what you've told me, WS01 seems to have done more for this organization that :) ever did.' Tubbo writes in a concluding tone- 'Well, it's true that Elena's done a lot.'

Hold on a hot minute. Elena?

'Elena? Isn't that name a bit too humane?' 'Just like your face, but you don't hear me complain about it.' WA02 seems to anwer in a joking manner, but takes a step back to realize that Tubbo's genuinely just shocked. 'WS01 has a lot of privileges. Like talking privileges. I know we're technically all allowed to talk, but it's become frowned upon. Unlike when :), or, well, Elena does it.

It still seems to confuse Tubbo. There definetely were a difference between having a smiley as a name, and having Elena as a name. 

'She just liked it better. She always insisted on being called by her civilian name even back when she was a WD, I heard. I wasn't employed back then- But I remember joining when she was a WB, still asking to be called Elena despite her not even being a WA. That girl's got some nerves. I admire her. Like many others.' 

Tubbo doesn't know what to think when he re-reads these written words. Elena, he knows the name would just roll off his tongue in such a way that would make it human. 

'Call me Tubbo.'


Looking back, it was insanely stupid for Tubbo to do that. 

But now that he's seen the aftermath- How nothing's changed.. 

Tubbo doesn't regret anything. 

'You have the eye color of the water here, Tubbo.' And that, that was probably the best compliment Tubbo's ever received. Because they weren't talking about muddy, infected water, no. They were talking about the water fountain. 

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