Tear me to shreds; (I'd still hold on to your secrets)

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Hello, Author here. So.. This Fanfiction is quite old even though it's still in progress. I am here to warn you that it was written before the Forever and Wilbur situation. Both absolutely vile people. The next 2 chapters could have mentions of forever, while i believe there's mentions of Wilbur until the 5th. Please be aware that i do not support any of their past actions. There will be apologies in chapter 3 for the past 2 chapters and in chapter 6 for the past 5. I will put warnings before any scenes containing Wilbur or Forever. I hope i dont have to come back to this later to edit it because someone else became problematic. This i shit. 

Tubbo took a deep breath. It was gonna be okay.

Tommy's screams were loud. He could hear them from here. Tom's in the nursery room with Phil, Wilbur and Niki, trying to heal him as some zombies tore off half of his throat. Tubbo was surprised Tommy could even make a sound while being in all of this pain.

If only, if only there could have the slightest bit of humanity left in those creatures.

"..Hey." it was Ranboo, one of his closest friends. "He'll be alright. He's Tommy." They try to reassure, but Tubbo was aware. Tubbo was aware that it was Tommy. That no matter how many times the zombies will tear off his skin, he'll still manage to curse at them at the top of his lungs. "I know."

Ranboo means to be nice. He's aware. But he doesn't need people to be nice to him right now. He needs to go outside as the sun shines on this horrible day and chase after the creatures that did this to his best friend. That did this to them. And even then it wouldn't be right. Because it isn't right.

They're people. They're people and it's not their fault if they go after humans because they got turned into monsters. They're not the ones to blame but the virus. They're not the ones to blame because they're Dan, they're Schlatt, and they're also Spreen. It's not their fault if they're like this. They didn't choose to leave. They never even had a choice.


"Ranboo, Tubbo," Forever called out, the resistances' elected leader. "Meeting is in 10 minutes. They're all going to be here while Tommy rests. I just saw Phil, they're done for today. He just needs rest." Well, those are good news. But meetings were boring. "Thanks Mr. President." Tubbo answers as Ranboo nods in acknowledgement.

Forever stops for a bit, looking over at both of them. Sighing, he says; "Tubbo, it's literally not your fault. He keeps on sneaking out and this time he did it at noon, right after lunch. He should've known better than to get out when zombies are the most hungry." "Don't speak about my best friend like that." Tubbo defended, even though he knew Forever wasn't saying any lies. Yes, Tommy was acting stupid, but Toby saw him get out and yet didn't do anything to stop it. (He knew it wouldn't matter. Nothing did anymore.)

Forever doesn't say anything back, deeming it useless.


"How are you holding up, boss man?" Tubbo asks, sitting next to Tommy. "It fucking sucks."

"I guessed." The small talk ends there. Something is bothering Tommy and he doesn't know how to word it. It happens often, but Tubbo can't really blame him. They both suck at basic communication. And Tubbo knows better than to bug him about it. "How did you survive being told off by Wilbur and Phil?" "Oh, thanks to our Lord and savior Niki Nihachu. She threatened to kick them out of the nursery if they kept being so loud."

Tubbo laughs at that. It's true, our Lord and savior Niki always managed to keep at least Wil from scolding the teens. Once, Tubbo stole diamonds from the leader, and she blamed Forever for keeping them outside for anyone to take. She truly was a god sent.

"That's hilarious." "What was said in the meeting?" Tommy asks, Tubbo knows he doesn't actually care and is just trying to stall for whatever he wanted to get off his chest. "Etoiles beat his record." "No fucking shot. By how many?" Tubbo smirks. "14." "Bet Badboyhalo cried." Tubbo chuckled at that. It's true that Bad rolled his eyes when he heard the number.

"Slimecicle successfully made a gas mask and he won't take it off. He looks absolutely terrifying." "Oh I so want to see that. When's he free?" "He's currently with Foolish trying to repair one of the shelters a zombie destroyed. He's popping off, basically. I'll tell him to visit you whenever I can." Said shelter was Iron's. She threw a fit when she realised all her collection of zombie heads were splattered everywhere.

"Is that it?" Tubbo thought- meetings were so common that there were barely anything happening in between two. So, "Yeah I think so." 

Tommy takes a deep breath; "Next time we're paired together, we're taking a detour." There it is. But, there is only one problem. "We haven't been paired together in months." "Yeah, that's what I'll be using my favor on for Fundy. He owes me one." Tubbo's a bit taken aback by this. How did Tommy get a favor on Fundy, of all people? "How do you have a favor on him?" Tommy smirks in the way that Toby knows he's done something evil. "I caught him in  a fursuit." Tubbo choked.

"You've got to be joking." Tommy shakes his head, then winces. "God dammit, my neck!" Tubbos eyes widen as he notices the slightest bit of pink on the tissue used as bandage. "Dude, I think you've opened your wound again. I'm calling Niki."


"Yeah, so he can't move his neck or the scars open up. So it hurts to talk, but it's worst to answer nonverbally which is such bullshit." Fundy listens patiently to Tubbo's rant, nodding along. "Well, well, Tubbo... It's weird how I'm the person you chose to rant about this to." And fuck, Tubbo thought he was being subtle.

"You owe Tom a favor, no?" Fundy stops at Tubbo's words, clearly blushing from what could only be embarrassment. Toby decided to not bring up the reason, to make him feel more at ease. "So what?" "On the defensive, huh? Chill, I just wanted to say that he's calling it in." Fundy hesitates before nodding, allowing Tubbo to explain further what he means by that. "We need to be paired together."

Fundy groans. They couldn't give him anything easier than that. "It'll make you both look suspicious, you know that right?" Tubbo seems amused, raising an eyebrow. "Since when do you care about us getting in trouble?" He seems to hesitate for a second; "it's my job to do schedules along with Quackity, and we've been told clearly to NOT put two children together with no adult protection unless there's an emergency."

Tubbo knows he's right, but he also feels like it's just Fundy that can't be bothered. "Is that so? Well I guess your little secret will-" "FINE! Fine-! I'll put you two together, but it won't be any time soon as Tommy's deeply injured and all his missions have been canceled or reported. So you be patient, alright? I'll do my best."

Tubbo smiles, that's more like it. "Thanks nephew." "I fucking hate you."

"What're you two planning?" Quackity calls out from his own desk wannabe ass looking bitch, "And coming from my inner badboyhalo, language." "Your inner what?" Both boys choke out, absolutely flabbergasted by that statement. "Listen I know Bad's whole ass schedule for the next 2 months by heart. It feels like he's become me. So, if you'll keep an eye out for your fucking language, that'd be great."

Let's not talk about the irony of that statement, as the joke has been overused by now..
And Tubbo feels infinitely more grateful for NOT being a schedules guy today. He can't imagine being part FitMc or even worse, TommyInnit. Though he would not mind Philza Minecraft as Philza Minecraft is God. And Etoiles is the goat.

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