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— ⋆ 𝗞𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮 ⋆ —

TODAY IS THE day i can finally get my three weeks full of peaceful alone time. i'm really excited because i've always wanted to go to mykonos.

it seems so calm and relaxing, i really hope our villa is near the beach. i don't know why but as a child, the always beach brought me so much serenity.

i put on my AirPods, my music blasting at the top volume blocking out everything that was going on around me. it's like i already started my alone time.

to be honest i was using the music as a distraction from thinking about going on the plane. i don't know how i'll cope because i'll be the only one sitting alone.

i close my eyes as i lay my head on the back seat window, occasionally opening my eyes to see if we have arrived at the airport yet.

my camera facing the window, timelapsing the short journey for my vlog.

As i open my eyes i notice my dad trying to get my attention. i remove one of my airpods so i can hear what he's trying to tell me.

"by the way, denise and mark are bringing jobe with them so you'll have some company for the trip." he announces proudly with a grin.

"What? mum said that it was going to be a holiday that I can spend alone because you two would be with your friends, now I'm going to have to spend time with him." i sigh in disappointment.

"It was a last minute change, and you can still do what you want you'll just have some company." my mum adds with a little wink.

"what if all i want to do is cry?" i reason, "what's he going to do? join me?" i roll my eyes in annoyance. "we're over that now" she replies as i scoff and put my airpod back in.

well, my self care journey plans have already been ruined. i know i was overreacting but i was really looking forward to having time to myself.

what will i even talk about or do with jobe when the last time i saw him was when we were just fourteen. ugh it's going to be so awkward.

a few minutes later we finally arrive at the airport. i turn off my camera and place it in my hand luggage. i help pull the suitcases out of the car and hand them to my parents.

we all carried one suitcase each because we didn't want to struggle with moving them around and carrying them.

my dad wraps an arm over my shoulder as we walk over to the gate. "smile a bit! we're going to have so much fun" he sways around, not hard enough for us to lose our balance.

"yeah, you will, you're going on holiday with your wife and best friends, while i'm going on holiday with basically a stranger!" i groan throwing my head back.

"he isn't a stranger, you know jobe" he nudges me trying to lighten the mood. "i haven't seen him since we were teenagers, we barely spoke to each other then, how do you think we're going to get along" i scoff.

"denise told me he's grown so much, she showed me a picture, and wow" my mum smirks at me giving me a knowing look.

"stop mumm" i roll my eyes playfully trying not to laugh.

Made For Each Other - Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now