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— ⋆ 𝗞𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮 ⋆ —

I STAND ON the shoreline, watching the dads and jobe play squash in the blue sea cheering for whatever team is winning because i don't understand the rules of the game but apparently it's like dodgeball.

i turn my head for a second to see how the mums are doing. they are getting massages on their sunbeds.

i could have got one too but i hate when people im not comfortable with touch me even if it's to help me relax, i just get so stiff so i settled on watching the boys.

theyre taking a ten minutes break because apparently its halftime but i don't remember squash having any breaks.

at the corner of my eyes, i see jobe sneakily approaching me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. i know what hes trying to do, so i try my best to run back to the mums in hope he wouldn't catch me.

but boy was i wrong... its really unfair for me because he's literally an athlete. and him being the athlete he is, caught up to me in a short amount of time.

he swiftly picks me up starts running towards the sea with me still in his arms, as i squirm around trying to get him to let go of me.

we're getting closer and closer to the water, when i finally speak up.

"wait! atleast let me take off my dress, i need to re wear it again later. i didn't bring any change" i say while looking up at him. (the cover up dresses that people wear over bikinis)

"fine." he sighs putting me down. i start removing my dress while he has his eyes on me the whole time. he doesn't even try to hide the fact he's checking me out.

"turn around you perv" i shout loud enough for both our dads to hear, so he's automatically forced to turn around.

he gets a few glares from the dads, making him lift his hands up in innocence.

i take my chance to run, and immediately take off towards the mums. it takes jobe a while for him to finally realise, but when he does, he starts smiling at me.

he jogs slowly towards me, with every step he took water trickles down his chisled chest all the way down to his precisely sculpted abs.

i was sit down on my lounge chair as i hear his laugh get closer to me. god his laugh is so attractive. he pulls me up, and grabs me by my waist and pushes me against him.

i shiver at the contact mainly because hes wet and cold and also because his rock hard abs are touching my back, sending shivers down my spine.

"you tried to escape princess" he mumbles in my neck. he then uses his other hand to smoothly remove my dress from bottom to top without ruining it.

"have you done this before." i ask, shocked at how smooth he was with it. "maybe" he says, winking at me. what a manwhore. but why do i find it hot though..?

"excuse me, you can wait until you get home to do all that" my mum sasses while turning away to not witness what was happening. both me and jobe burst into laughter at her misconception of the situation.

jobe then gently places my dress where i was sitting while still holding me tight so i couldn't escape once again.

after taking care of my dress, he sweeps me off my feet and starts running back to the sea.

he jumps into the water, with me still in his hands. out of pure instinct, i wrap my legs around him and bury my face in his neck, looking for his warmth as im used to the temperature yet.

Made For Each Other - Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now