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— ⋆ 𝗞𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮 ⋆ —

TODAY IS MY birthday. and just like christmas i don't feel like celebrating it. i told my parents i didn't want to go out and that i wanted it to feel like a normal day. plus presents and cake though.

i told jordyn what happened with jobe so she insisted on coming over so we could have a girls day so i was at least doing something for my birthday.

she literally showed up in ten minutes with two bags full of snacks and two huge ben and jerry's ice cream tubs for the both of us.

"you know what? fuck men. they're all entitled and useless we don't need them" jordyn hypes me up, making me laugh.

"what about jude?" i chuckle, "except him, he's an exception" she giggles and continues eating her tub of ice cream while KUWTK plays on my tv.

❝HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIANA!❞ jude burst into my door with a few bags in his hands before bursting out into laughter at how ridiculous me and jordyn looked in our oversized hoodies, sweatpants and sunglasses even though it's probably -17°C outside

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIANA!❞ jude burst into my door with a few bags in his hands before bursting out into laughter at how ridiculous me and jordyn looked in our oversized hoodies, sweatpants and sunglasses even though it's probably -17°C outside.

"thanks jude, put them right there, you're disrupting our girls day." i lowered my glasses to look at him. "damn okay" he chuckled, putting the bags in the corner of my room.

"hey babe" he went over to plant a kiss on jordyns lips but she just pushed him away. "i'm not your babe today" she sassed, lifting her glasses to the top of her head.

"whatever" he pecked her cheek then flopped down on the bed right next to us. "i missed you" he pouted his lips for a kiss.

jordyn looks at me to make sure im okay with it so i nod. she gives him a short peck then turns her attention back to the tv.

"i'm going to the bathroom" i announce, feeling a bit awkward. i hate being a third wheel. i wipe my face, take a deep breath then leave.

when i came back they were making out. i really can't say im surprised, these two are really lovey dovey with each other especially since they are a long distance couple so they don't see each other often.

i let them be for a while until it started getting more heated so i stopped them before anything else could happen. "uh get off me" she pushed jude off her then shot me an apologetic look which i ignored and focused on the tv.

"you're so beautiful" jude caressed her cheek while looking at her lovingly as she laughed at one of the scenes. he's so inlove with her i wish someone would be obsessed with me like how jude is obsessed with jordyn.

"look who's talking" she giggled, placing multiple kisses on his lips. "i love you" he mumbled in between kisses. they're so cute together to the point it's almost disgusting.

why can everyone else around me find love, but once i do they don't feel the same way and push me away like im nothing.

i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding then stood up and walked towards the door. "i'm going to drink some water" a sad sigh left my mouth and i could hear jordyn calling out my name but i pretended i couldn't hear her and left the room.

i knew i was being over dramatic, but i couldn't help it. i guess life's just not fair.

i didn't mean to make them to feel as if i was leaving the room because of them, after all i have no say in what they get to do in their relationship.

im grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge when i hear someone clear their throat.

"um... hey" jobe waves at me nervously before cringing at his own actions. he looks like he hasn't had much sleep. i wonder why.

"hi" i eye him down carefully before taking a sip of water. "happy birthday" he stuffs his hands in his pockets, swaying from side to side. he looks nervous. he should be.

"thanks" i took another sip. suddenly im feeling so thirsty i could down the whole bottle. "i uh... got you some stuff" he motioned his fingers to two big bags and two huge bouquets of tulips.

what i liked the most was how the pink bouquet had the outline of a heart in white flowers and the white one in pink.

i nodded at him hoping that i wasn't seeming too ungrateful. i would've smiled at him but he really doesn't deserve a smile from me right now.

"i also got you this" he stepped closer to me. i took a step back. i could see the hurt in his eyes as he handed me a small, white box that looked like it had a ring in it.

"you should maybe open it... i want to know if it fits" he steps closer and leans against the counter. i don't move back this time.

i gasped as i open the box, revealing a pretty ring.

not just any ring, a magnolia ring. my second favourite flower. there are pink diamonds for the flower and silver ones for the loop. i wonder how expensive this was.

i carefully slip it on and admire how beautiful it looks on my fingers. a smile making its way onto my face. "it reminds me of you" jobe speaks up after a while, and it's only now i realise that he moved even closer.

"delicate yet resilient, beautiful yet humble" he continues with a smile on his face. i never knew jobe was one with words, i guess there's a first for everything.

"it reminds me of us" he sighs, not noticing that im frowning at him. "what do you mean by us?" i quickly slipped off the ring and out it back into its posh box.

"our... our um friendship" he scratches his head awkwardly. i wasn't smiling anymore and neither was he.

"we aren't friends anymore" i stated, moving away from him. he didn't follow this time. "i... i just thought-" he stammered. "you thought what? you made it very clear to me that you didn't want to be my friend anymore" i scoffed at him.

"it's not that it's just-" he started, growing more frustrated. "no jobe. no. you can't change your words from that night, the damage has already been done." i sighed calmly not wanting my day to end on a bad note yet.

"i think you should go" i feel a headache coming in. i really don't need this. not right now.

to my luck he doesn't argue back. he takes his car keys and leaves, leaving me all alone in the kitchen. maybe i was too harsh on him... maybe i should have let him speak.


it's always the same people who have hurt you who come back to haunt you over and over again.


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