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— ⋆ 𝗞𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮 ⋆ —

GET UP WE'RE going out" jobe jumps up and down on my bed, waking me up. this isn't the first time he's done this though, this is probably the 4th or 5th.

he comes over at questionable times of the day asking me to go out, when I say no he manages to bribe me with the most ridiculous things but I always end up agreeing.

sometimes I wonder if he can stay in his own home for more than three days but I'm not complaining. we always end up having the best time together, laughing about the most random things ever.

I'm pretty sure no one makes me laugh like how jobe does, just him standing next to me brings a smile on my face.

our families both think we're dating no matter how many times we convince them we aren't.

"shut up and go away dumbass" I groan pulling my sheets over my body. "that's not very nice, is it doll?" he teases, pulling the sheets right off. "fuck off" I kick him off my bed. that's what he gets for disturbing my beauty sleep.

"ow, why are you so grumpy in the morning" he whines. "that's what you get" my voice muffled by the pillow.

"fine I guess I'm going to eat your cake all by myself" he sighs jokingly, catching my attention. "cake? why didn't you say so before?" I sit up looking around the room seeing nothing.

"I swear to god if you lied to me jobe ill-" I frown, pointing at him sternly. "chill missy, its downstairs" he pushes my finger away from him with a smirk on his face.

"don't call me that" I cross my arms, glaring at him. "you're cute when you try to be all intimidating" he taps my nose playfully.

"arent I cute all the time" I smirk, "trust me you don't want me to answer that" he chuckles earning him a slap on the back of his head.

"geez I was joking why are you so aggressive today" he groans holding the place where I hit him even though I barely touched him.

i shrug.

"these are for you" he hands me a pretty bouquet of pink tulips, my favourites. he looks nervous. he's trying to read my expression to see if i like them. it's as if im the first person he's ever bought flowers for.

i carefully put the flowers down then lunge myself at jobe, placing kisses all over his face to express my gratitude.

"thank you, i love them" i say in between kisses. no one has ever bought me flowers before, not even my asshole ex or even jude.

i like to think i am a flower girl but the phase goes on and off and barely lasts a week.

"there's more downstairs i went a bit overboard" he blushes at my actions. i excitedly run towards the door but he grabs me by my waist before i can go anywhere.

"you have to go get ready first i have the whole day planned out for us" he directs me to the bathroom before I can say anything.

i give him a confused look, is today a special day? it's definitely not my birthday because that's all the way in January.

"you'll see just go get ready" he shuts the door leaving me no choice but to get ready. i shower then do my skincare all under 30 minutes because i'm in a rush, why? i don't have a clue.

Made For Each Other - Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now