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— ⋆ 𝗞𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮 ⋆ —

TODAY IS JUST one of those days. everything i look at, think of or touch just reminds me of jude.

my mood was down, i distanced myself from everyone today, not trusting myself to not just lash out and say words i don't mean.

im sure everyone especially jobe could notice my change in aura during breakfast as i wasn't my usual cheerful self. it was so hard trying to hold in my tears hearing everyone talk about jude's spectacular season at madrid.

it's like jobe could sense my discomfort. he gently placed a hand on my thigh caressing it while leaning into my ear asking if i was okay.

during these past weeks, me and jobe grew closer and closer. we had some flirting moments that often ended quickly because were either interrupted by our parents or one of us snapped out of it before anything more could happen.

we're just friends. that's it, we just had awkward moments at awkward times. it's so strange how my only two best friends ever have been both the bellingham brothers.

i gave him a quick nod then stood up, put my untouched plate in the sink then rushed into my bedroom. i took deep breaths.

i suddenly hear the door opening making me snap my head to see who is disturbing me this time. it's my mum. without a word, she sat beside me and pulled me in for a hug.

"this is so shit" i sniffle not being able to keep my emotions in. "i know baby, i know" she rubs my back reassuringly. "why can't he just go away, why can't i stop thinking about him" i groan, my tears creating a visible stain on her shoulder.

"it's one of those days, huh?" she let me cry on her, an answer to her response. "just let it all out" and with those words i burst into tears.

i don't know how much time passed but i was feeling much better than before, still agitated though. i thanked my mum then released her, feeling bad that i'm ruining her well deserved holiday.

as soon as she left, i heard soft hesitant knocks on my door. i mumbled a quick 'come in' then watched as jobe walked in. his stance was way weaker than usual and his aura wasn't as cheerful as usual.

i watched as he paced around a bit before finally settling down on my bed with his back facing me. "jobe what do you want?" i ask, my words sounding ruder than they were supposed to.

"did i do something? anything?" he asks looking at me trying to analyse my face for what im feeling. i shake my head at him, biting my lip to hide the gentle quiver that starters .

"don't cry" he pulls me in for a warm embrace. if there was one word to describe jobes hugs, it would be affection.

he holds me with so much care, making me feel like i'm the only one in his presence.

he run his fingers through my hair, playing with a curl. this a habit he grew into whenever i was in his arms, i don't think he does it consciously at this point but its a cute gesture.

i find myself falling asleep in his embrace, turns out the crying wore me out more than i thought.

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