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OH FUCKING HELL❞ mads moans from on top of me. we're having sex, not a surprise to be honest. i don't know why i just keep zoning out, flashbacks of the moment me and kiana had a few weeks ago in her living room invading my brain.

i don't even know why i keep thinking about it... and her. things have been kind of awkward between us no matter how much we try ignore the situation it just somehow comes back.

we've become so distant but i can tell it's not what we both want.

"are you serious? do something jobe, if literally feels like im fucking a doll " mads slows down her movements and looks down at me in confusion. "sorry" i shake my head, turning all my attention to her.

she raises an eyebrow at me before continuing her actions, my mind still wandering off.

i miss how open she was with me, how she didn't care about what came out of her mouth even if it was the most nonsensical thing ever.

i can't say i wish i never kissed her because that kiss was totally worth it, but im not sure if it was worth our friendship. maybe i shouldn't have run off.

i forced my eyes shut, and tried to enjoy the moment with mads but thoughts of kiana still lingered through my mind.

imagine kiana riding me, looking down at me with the innocent doe eyes that make me weak for her as soft whimpers and moans escape her mouth.

or how shy she would get after finishing, her face turning her usual deep crimson colour. fuck, or how i would be kneading her soft, curly hair while she gives me head.

no no no no no no im not supposed to be thinking about this. we're just friends.

i notice mads clenching on me indicating that she was close. i let out deep groans, expressing how much pleasure she was granting me but my eyes instantly shoot open when i feel her stop her actions.

"what?" i ask her, gripping her hips. "this isn't working" she sighs, flopping down next to me. "jobe you're inlove with her" she exclaims, taking me by surprise.

"you're obviously distracted, and you've moaned her name two fucking times" she sits up, she wasn't angry though she was more... proud?

i can agree with her that im distracted, but i don't recall moaning her name.

"i'm not inlove with anyone" i mumble, sitting up as well. "jobe stop being stupid, you know you do you just don't realise it" she breathes out frustratedly. i mean i do love her, but just as friends... you can love friends too, right?

"that doesn't even make sense" i furrow my eyebrows together. how can i know i love someone without realising it? that's fucking impossible. god, girls and their problems are so confusing.

"whatever" she rolls her eyes. "she likes you too, you know?" she speaks up again.

"she talks about you so highly, and she's always thinking about you first" she adds, looking up at me.

"that doesn't mean she likes me" i roll my eyes. shes about to say something when my phone starts ringing and its her.

i can't lie i feel my heart flutter upon seeing her name on my screen, excited to hear her voice for the first time today.

Made For Each Other - Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now