Chapter Three

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*~Julia's POV~*


"Yes mom?" I asked, taking a few deep breaths.

"I'm working late tonight. Did the boys get there alright?" She spoke quietly, as if afriad to be caught on the phone.

Wait... She knew the boys were coming and didn't tell me? Well then.

"Yeah mom. They're here. Question."

"Answer." she replied.

"Where do you plan on them sleeping? Because I'm not giving up my bed." 

"Please, Julia. Its just a couple nights. It won't be that bad." She begged.

I sighed. Great. "Whatever... Well, I gotta go... I better get them situated..." 

"Okay. Love you honey!"

"Love you too. Bye." I said and hung up. "Okay, gentlemen. Get your bags and follow me."

They all hurried out to whatever brought them here and came back in with about twenty bags. "And people say girls pack a lot..." I mumbled.

"Hey! We're on tour!" Louis defended. 

I just shrugged and rolled my eyes. "This way fellas." I escorted them up the stairs and into my room.

"Now, since you five are apperently staying in my room while you're here, I have a few rules."

That was followed by multiple groans.

"First rule, absolutely NO GOING THROUGH MY THINGS!" I said and glared at everyone of them. 

"Rule number two, you must always keep my room neat. I have a hard enough time with that as it is, and I am not gonna help you guys clean it."

"Third rule. No waking me up for any reason, unless of course you don't wish to have sexual relations with anyone anymore and have no plans on children." The scared look on their faces made me smile. Good.

"Last rule. No touching, using, or staring at anything in here. If you break it, you own me big time." I looked all of them in the eyes, making sure they understood. "Now, I'm going to take my pillow and blankets and go sleep. My mom is working late. Good night." I said, grabbing my memory foam pillow and multiple fuzzy blankets. Then, I walked out of my room and down the stairs to the couch in the living room.

I grabbed my iPod that was on the side table by the couch and unwrapped the earphones and put them in.

As one of my favorite songs, Thought of You, by yes, Justin Bieber, came on from shuffle, I got all excited. "PLAY THOSE FUNKY JAMS WHITE BOY!" I yelled at my iPod and turned up the volume. As I started making my couch-bed, I started dancing along with the music. Very badly, I might add, but no one was watching, so why care.

As the song ended, I took out my earphones and saw a very amused Harry at the bottom of the stairs. My face immediately heated up. "Oh god. How much of that did you see?"

"Play those funky jams, white boy?" he asked, trying to contain his laughter.

"Oh shut up and go upstairs. Why are you down here anyways?" I felt my face getting redder by the minute.

"I came down to get some water, but maybe I should stay in here in case I miss anymore of your beautiful dancing." he said in his adorably deep British accent, and started moving closer to me. I could feel my heart start to race.

"Sorry, dancing is for paid customers only," I said, adding in a wink. Two can play at this game Styles.

He continued moving closer, and I'm pretty sure he could hear my heartbeat. Why was this happening? I mean, I just met him. And he punched me earlier today. Probably just that he was famous. Yes. That was it. It had to be.

He didn't bother going around the couch, and just jumped over it, almost hitting the coffee table. I gulped as he stared at me. Those green eyes of his were mesmerizing. No wonder he had millions of girls screaming his name. 

When he finally stopped moving forward, we were so close I could feel the heat off his bare chest. Oh god. He was shirtless. How had I not seen that before. 

It took all of my will power to not move my hands over his toned chest. I could feel the blush coming back, and looked down. At my feet, not at his chest, although I wanted to so badly.

"Don't," his now raspy, and god was it sexy, voice whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him, confused. "What?"

"You said dancing was for paying customers only. I don't want you selling yourself to anyone." I looked up to his eyes, which were again, full of sincerity. 

I wanted to tell him it was a joke, but I couldn't find my voice. Trust me, I opened my mouth, but words wouldn't come out. It had to have been the close proximity. 

I found myself being lost in his emerald green orbs, his beautiful, sensitive, green- wait. What? What am I saying? This is Harry we're talking about. The boy who punched me today. The boy who I saw cry today. The boy who came to comfort me today. The boy who seemed to look into my soul. The boy who was so adorable with that surprised look on his face after he accidentally punched me. The boy who wasn't afraid to cry in front of me. The boy who-no! Stop it.

I bit my lip, and looked at Harry again, memorizing every detail of his face. I found myself looking at his mouth, then his eyes, and back to his lips.

He had obviously noticed, and moved one hand up to my face, cupping it. His thumb carrased the side of my face, and his other hand went around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My breath caught in my throat as he started leaning in. I copied his motion and my eyes fluttered shut. I could feel his hot breath on my face, and our lips were about to touch.

"HARRY!" Louis's voice rang, followed my footsteps coming loudly down the stairs. Harry and I practically jumped apart, me landing on the couch, and him, poor guy, hitting the corner of the coffee table.

He bit back a scream, and got up, limping over to the kitchen. 

Louis got to the bottom of the stairs, and looked around. "Where's Harry?" I pointed to the kitched and he nodded, bounding in after the curly-headed boy.

What the heck happened there? Did I really almost kiss Harry? What was wrong with me? Oh well. Maybe a good night's sleep will get me back into the right frame of mind.

I walked into the downstairs bathroom and changed into sweatpants and a sports bra, pretty much what I always wore to bed. I walked back out to the living room and laid down on the couch. I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes, falling to sleep quickly.


Hey guys! How'd you like the chapter? I know I haven't updated in a while, and I'm awfully sorry! I've just been so busy lately I barely have time to think. I'll try to upload at least once again this week! 

Love you


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