Chapter Five

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That day at lunch, Jake asked me to sit with him. That also meant sitting with Marie, Quinton, and all their other friends. While they all talked, I sat there and listened. I had no idea what to say, and just knowing that there were people sitting next to me at lunch was a strange feeling, and made me feel a little sick. "Hey, Juls, you okay? You look a little sick," Jake asked, concern clear on his face.

"I'm, um, I'll be right back," I say as I leave the table and run for the bathrooms. I make it into one of the stalls just in time to feel the bile rise in my throat. After the contents of my stomach finds its way out, I flush it down the toilet, and wash my hands.

As I walked back into the lunchroom, I quietly told them I was going to the nurse's office to call home. Jake asked if I wanted him to come with me, and I shook my head. I wanted to be alone for now. There was too much going on for my liking.

I walked into the office, and spoke to the nurse, telling her what happened. She nodded and let me call home. Not until it was ringing did I realize there would probably be no one home to come get me and I would either be stuck at school or have to walk.

"Hello?" a deep British voice said from the other end of the phone, "Who is calling?"

"Liam? It's me, Julia. I'm sick, so I'm coming home. Expect me there in 10 to 20 minutes." I heard whispering on the other line, and then another voice spoke.

"Juls? I'll be there soon to pick you up. You're sick, I'm not letting you walk. I'll meet you out front," Harry stated. I nodded, and then, realizing he couldn't see me, told him I would.

I left the nurse's office with a note just as everyone was getting out of lunch. The crowds of people usually didn't bug me, but then again, today wasn't a normal day. I got smiles from a few, waves from some, or even a "Hey, what's up?" from those who weren't already holding a conversation.

As I reached my locker, I put everything I'd need into my bag and headed to the main office to give my note before heading out the doors. The office ladies greeted my with warm smiles, and hoped I feel better soon. I thanked them and walked out, waiting on a bench for Harry.

I saw harry's car coming so I stood up, and put my bag on. Before he arrived I got turned around to see Jake. "What? I don't get a goodbye kiss from my girl?" he smiled.

His girl? Wait, what? I stood there, staring at him with wide eyes. I tried to speak, but no words came out.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that after yesterday, you and I were, you, together." he stated, embarrassed.

"Jake, I'm flattered, really, but I-" a car door slamming cut me off. I turned around to see Harry, quite upset, headed over to us. I turned back to Jake, who was staring wide-eyed at Harry. "That's-"

"Harry Styles." Harry smiled rather fakely and held out his hand for Jake to shake.

Jake took his hand and shook it, still not believing wha he saw.

"I have to go Jake, but I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" It came out more as a question than a statement, but I just wanted to get going.

"Yeah, I uh, I need to get to class." he said and left. Well then.

"So, was that him?" Harry asked as we got back to the car. "You know, the one you told me about yesterday? Who you kissed?"

"Uh, yeah, that's him..." I said. "Can we go home now?" I asked quietly, trying to change the subject.

"Did he say anything, do anything to you? Because I swear, if he did, I'm going to beat his-"

"He did, but not in the way you're thinking. I'll tell you about it later, okay? Please, can we just go home?" I begged.

"Uh, yeah, sure..." He nodded and opened my door for me, letting me in and then closing and going to his side.

He made sure I was buckled and then started the short drive home. Unlike this morning, it was filled with silence. And not the good kind, just awkward.

"Are you mad at me for something? Did I interrupt you two when I walked out?" He asked when we turned onto my road.

"No, I just, I don't feel very well..." I replied, staring at the ground. Truth is, I was just confused. Jake apparently liked me, but I wasn't sure how I felt about him. True, I kissed him first yesterday, and he was funny, smart, and nice, but was it just an attraction or did I really like him?

Then there was Harry, who, barely knowing me, came to see if I was okay yesterday, and when seeing I wasn't, calmed me down. And we almost kissed last night.

These feelings were so new to me, and I didn't know how to react. So, when we pulled into my driveway, I ran out of the car and straight into the house. I ran straight out into the back yard to the swings.

Ever since I was little, when I needed to think, or was really upset, I came out to the swings. When we found out our dad had cancer, and had little over a year to live, when Zara left to be in her first movie, when dad died, when we found out Zara had cancer.

This was my thinking swing, the one right in the middle, with one on my left, and one on my right. This had always been my swing, Zara's was to the left, and dad's to the right, also the one closest to the door.

I sat there for what seemed like hours. I saw Jake everyday, and he would be the perfect boyfriend, would make me happy, yet, I couldn't get Harry out my mind.

He came running into my life at my weakest point, both had, but Harry seemed to genuinely care if I was okay, and had just met me, while Jake had known me for 11 years(or at least had the chance to).

Before hearing about my sister, none of them had given me the time of day, and after this was all over, probably never would again. He could just be using me, trying to get me at my weakest. But Jake didn't seem like the person to do that.

After a while, I weighed my decisions. My mind was made up. I knew who I would choose. He came to my rescue when I needed someone the most, even when never speaking to me before. His smile would warm my heart, and stop my tears.

I walked back into my house, a genuine smile on my face for the first time in a while. Although, that didn't last long. The boys were all huddled around someone in one of the armchairs. I looked at them, puzzled, and they moved away, letting me see who was there.

My breath caught in my throat as I saw her face. She looked tired, yet a warm smile appeared on her face when she saw me.

"Zara?" My voice cracked as I said her name. I hadn't seen her since last Christmas, with her schedule being so full.

"Hey sis," she replied in a soft voice.

My sister was home. I didn't care the reason at this moment, I just knew I needed her and she needed me. Everything would be alright, at least for this moment. I knew that much.


Hey guys!!!! What did you think? Sorry it's short, and probably not my best chapter, but I'm sick and wanted to get a new chapter up.


Anyways, I hope you like it!


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