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*~Zara's POV~*

It's funny how just a few words can change your whole life. Your whole view on the world, on how you've lived it, on what you want to do.

I sat in a doctor's office on a sunny Saturday in April. Frequent headaches and a mother's worrying had convinced me to see what was up. I looked around the small room nervously. You know how no matter what it is, you can't help but expect the worst? Millions of possibilities flooded my mind, none good. It ranged from minor things such as chronic migraines to things pretty major like... no. It couldn't be.

The door opened and the doctor came in solemnly. My heart raced as he handed me a small envelope with the results from the multiple tests we had taken. My fingers brushed against the smooth paper, afraid of what was inside. What was written on the paper could change my life for good. I looked up to the doctor, who was looking at me with sad eyes.

"May I- Can I be alone to open this?" I chocked out.

He simply nodded and left, not another word spoken. I was finally alone. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, my fingers fumbled with opening the envelope.

I pulled the small paper out slowly, my heart beat quickening with every second.

Looking down, I read the two words written in scribble-like handwriting. My breath caught in my throat. Tears brimmed my eyes, but I had to stay strong.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, almost dropping it on the shiny tile because my hands had been shaking. Going through my contacts, I finally reached the one I needed. I tapped the name, and I heard ringing, pulling the phone up to my ear.

One ring, two, three, fou-


*~Julia's POV~*

"Honey, can you get that? I busy!" My mother's voice called from the kitchen. I sighed, grabbing her phone, and answered, not bothering to look at who it was.

"Hello?" I asked, irritated.

"Julia? Where-Where's mom?" My sister's voice asked. It sounded as if she had been crying.

"Zara? What's wrong? Mom's making dinner at the moment... Can I help you with whatever's troubling you?" I asked, rolling my eyes slightly, and walked over to a window, staring at the rain falling down.

Zara had always been one to over exaggerate things, every little thing had to be perfect or else she would cause a commotion. But of course, she was perfect, and everything was perfect for her... Always!

"I really need to speak to mom. It's important." She said softly, her voice pleading.

"One sec." I mumbled and walked into the kitchen, handing the phone to my mother. 'It's Zara' I mouthed to her, and she smiled excitedly. I rolled my eyes and left.

Since Zara had moved to L.A to pursue her career of being a singer, actress, dancer trio, we didn't hear from her much. Just because you become a world famous celebrity, apparently means you don't need to communicate with your family anymore. Sure, she was busy with recording albums and movies, and selling out world tours, but she still has time to talking her stupid boyfriend, Zayn.

Everything in her life was perfect, and yes, I am envious. She got the looks and talent, while I just got the leftovers.

Her perfect blond locks were always in perfect loose curls, her completion clear, her eyes bright. She had a perfect smile, straight and white, and never needed braces. She was always surrounded by people, and was always one of the popular people. Not because of the fact she was absolutely gorgeous, but because she was friends with everyone. She donated both money and time to charities, and even was a tutor for kids at school. A straight A student, and every teacher's favorite.

And because everyone was always preoccupied gawking over her, I don't even need to mention I was kicked to the curb. Left in the dark. Ignored. Even our parents preferred her over me. They never said that, but anyone with ears or eyes could see it was true.

Now me, I was plain. I had long brown hair that was also in loose curls, a nose that slanted up slightly at the bottom, green eyes, that in my opinion looked like someone puked in my eyes and stained the iris, a pretty clear completion, with the exception of a few freckles speckled on my cheeks, and straight teeth, thanks to horrible years of braces and retainers.

I was average height, about 5'6" or 5'7", and not particularly skinny. I mean, I wasn't obese, but could lose a little fat on my stomach and thighs.

I cringed at my reflection in the window, cool spring rain falling down in streaks. My hair was up in a messy bun, and I had bags under my eyes. I never questioned why no boy ever bothered to even take a second glance at me. I mean, besides the fact that they could try to get my sister instead.

Never once had I considered myself anything close to beautiful, especially when I had to compare myself to my 'lovely' older sister. Never once had I been called beautiful, not even by my parents, so why think it? If it obviously wasn't true, don't pretend.

All of a sudden, I heard the clatter of a phone hitting our cold kitchen floor. I ran to my mother as soon as I could. The scene I saw broke my heart. I bent down, grabbing the phone, and seeing the call was still going on, and that the screen hadn't been broken.

I slowly brought the device up to my left ear. "Zara? Why is my crying? What happened." I walked over to my mother, rubbing her back, in an attempt to calm her.

What left my sister's mouth next made my heart stop. For once, I had no envy of the girl who's voice suggested she was broken.

"I have brain cancer. They think I'll last up to six months." She replied calmly.

Tears lined my eyes as I set the phone down, not bothering to hang up. I sat down at the table next to my mother, and let it out. The fact that my sister was probably going to die soon.

When I wished that her life wouldn't be perfect, I never imagined that this would happen. Finally, I broke down, letting all my emotions out, sobbing silently as the news hit me.


Hey guys! New story time! I had a dream about this like a week ago and had to write it! I hope you like it! I'll try to post the next chapter soon, so be on the look out!

Julia's on the side!

Comment/Vote if you like! I always appreciate it!


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