In a time long past, when the world still flourished beneath a lush canopy of tranquil green forests, there thrived an ancient race of humans. Nestled deep within these lively, serene woodlands, these people possessed a remarkable gift: extraordinary healing abilities. They could mend wounds of all kinds, from life-threatening injuries to the most superficial of scratches, leaving no trace of the harm. Major illnesses, too, succumbed to their expertise, thanks to the use of natural herbal remedies. These enigmatic beings were known as the Koeh race, dwelling in the heart of the abundant forests, where nature reigned supreme.
Distinct from ordinary humans, the Koeh people bore unique physical features. They possessed pale skin, adorned with long, silver hair, and their figures were slender and graceful. Their eyes, unlike typical humans, held a kaleidoscope of colors, shining as brightly as the stars in the night sky. These Koeh were an ancient race of forest-dwellers, graced with otherworldly healing abilities, drawing their vitality from the venerable Veritasfolia Tree.
The Veritasfolia Tree, a magnificent specimen adorned with shimmering silver leaves and golden blossoms, drew its power directly from the spirit of the forest. With the aid of this ancient tree, the Koeh could cultivate rare herbs from the far reaches of the world, even coaxing life from the harshest landscapes. Yet, as the forests dwindled in the face of civilization's relentless advance, the once-vibrant trees became victims of the insatiable hunger for resources. The spirits of the woods waned, and as they did, the Veritasfolia Tree began to wither. This slow decline, in turn, brought the Koeh race to the precipice of extinction.
Forced to wander from one forest to another in search of survival, the Koeh found themselves struggling to endure in a world where the spirit of the forests was fading away. Over time, the once-thriving Koeh race teetered on the brink of obscurity, its existence gradually fading into the annals of human history. Today, only a handful of tribes, each with a dwindling number of members, bear witness to their existence. These last remnants of the Koeh people are locked in an ongoing struggle for survival, their nomadic existence a testament to their resilience.
However, one group of Koeh persevered against the tide of time, never losing hope that they would discover a thriving and fertile forest where they could establish their tribe. Finally, after their relentless search, they came upon the flourishing, vibrant rainforest of Khufu. They believed that their hardships were at an end, but the area they chose to settle in proved to be anything but hospitable. The Veritasfolia Tree, struggling to survive in the face of a slowly dying forest, forced the tribe once again into the harsh throes of survival.
The leader of this tribe, Yu Ya, faced an unparalleled challenge after successfully relocating her people to Khufu and forging an alliance with the powerful Kufu's kingdom. Her paramount concern now was ensuring the survival of her tribesmen in the diminishing rainforest of Khufu.
In the southern region of the cultivation clan areas, there lay the Khufu Kingdom, a formidable and prosperous realm ruled by the ambitious and powerful King ChengLi. Situated in a unique desert oasis, Khufu stood as a beacon of strength and wealth amidst the rugged landscape.
Renowned for its extensive network of rainforests and majestic waterfalls, Khufu not only boasted breathtaking scenery but also leveraged these natural features as effective defenses against potential invaders. The kingdom's populace, comprising diverse races, contributed to a vibrant and multicultural atmosphere, fostering a melting pot of traditions, languages, and customs.
The grandeur of Khufu was epitomized by its awe-inspiring palace, strategically positioned near the picturesque beach leading to the southern sea. The architectural marvel mirrored the kingdom's wealth and influence, adorned with towering spires and intricate carvings that narrated tales of its power. Within these regal halls, King ChengLi orchestrated strategic decisions, presiding over the kingdom's affairs.
Underneath The Moonlit Night
Fiksi PenggemarStep into the enchanting world of "Underneath the Moonlit Night," a Mo Dao Zu Shi Danmei Fanfiction that delves into the realms of love, mystery, and fate. Follow the journey of Koh Qing Yi, a descendant of a nomadic herbalist tribe, as he discovers...