Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: found




Flashing lights, blinding lights filled my vision.

I can't feel anything. My body was still. I could move nothing. See nothing but the flashing blobs of light that leaked through my eye lids.

Voices, faint voices reached my frozen ears. No words could be heard it only mumbles and grumbles passed through the thick wall of ice as it surrounded you.

Something in the atmosphere changed. I could feel the ice around me melting away as warmth from the outside world rushed towards the cold chamber.

The ice starts to melt quickly unlike what I imagine it would melt like. (Wow holy crap my grammar is bad). Sounds touched my ears with blasting volumes. Trees and their leaves getting caught in the wind by gusts of air, the clearer voices of men and a woman,

"We need to get her or them or, agh just get them out. They could be dead for all I know!!!!!!"

" banner you need to calm down."

"How can I be calm when there might be a corpse in this ice chamber for who knows how long!!!!!!"

The ice had melted about half way now. The air was heavy, it was almost as if I was breathing through a straw. My eyes grew heavy, I could not fight to keep them open for it was too hard. Everything went silent.

-look, I know it has been a long time. But I am sorry very busy and not having enough time between school and looking for a job and extracurriculars. So here is a buffer chapter for you so ur not overly bored. -author

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