Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: Good morning

-I know you guys might have wanted to see a wedding but I don't feel like it, sorry not sorry-

It has been 4 years since the wedding, and you know 4 years later I am grateful for more things the I could have ever imagined, but mostly for the person who was by my side for all of it, some people are lucky enough to have a best friend, I'm even luckier, I got a loki.

I slowly wake up in our new bedroom, lokis arms curled around my waist. He slowly starts to stir and his hot breath hits my neck.

"Good morning" I whisper

"I love waking up" he comments


"because I know I'll find you next to me every morning." I blush and nestle back into the sheets of our bed. Drifting off to a peaceful sleep. Last thing I hear is loki's voice,

"I love you my love"

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