Chapter 21

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The last chapter was so short might as well give you all another one :)

Chapter 21: Black, Moon, Doors, Purple, Shadow, Three, Green, Malfunction, Night fall, Vengeance....

As the chilling tendrils of Hydra's brainwashing method slithered into the recesses of my mind, I felt an unsettling disconnection from my own thoughts and memories. It was as if an insidious fog rolled in, obscuring the clarity of my identity. Every cherished recollection and deeply held conviction became distorted, manipulated by an unseen force that sought to reshape the very core of who I was.

The process was both invasive and dehumanizing. Memories, once vivid and personal, were twisted into malleable fragments, each reshaped to fit Hydra's malevolent narrative. It was a violation of the sanctity of my past, turning moments of joy and sorrow alike into mere puppets dancing to Hydra's tune.

The emotional toll was palpable, an incessant undertow of despair and confusion. The pain inflicted, not only on my psyche but on the essence of my being, was a relentless assault. It was an agonizing journey through a distorted maze of thoughts, a surreal landscape where reality and fabrication interwove seamlessly.

In those moments, the concept of self became elusive, replaced by a hollow compliance to Hydra's will. The very notion of free will seemed like a distant memory, drowned out by the echo of programmed directives. It was a harrowing metamorphosis, leaving me suspended between the vestiges of my true identity and the puppet strings manipulated by Hydra's insidious hands.

Zemo entered the room again, when did he leave. I looked at him ready to do his bidding.

"Now" he said coming closer. His evil grin plastered on his face.

"Your first mission destroy the avengers" he said with a smirk

"Yes sir" I say turning and leaving, going to find and eliminate my first targets.

—-Shortest chapter in all of history but I needed the next chapter to start with......nvm I cant tell you it would spoil it.........BYE—-----

Vengeance.   LokiWhere stories live. Discover now