Chapter 5

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It's strange how normal life feels.

It's been a month without your abilities and you're finally living. Barry was a bit shaken when you said you would return to Portland. But you promised that this time, your visits wouldn't be far and few between.

You were no longer a hero and you were fine with that.

That part of your life has ended, and after that night with Harry, you're much lighter than before.

He understood. Even after you were so hostile, he still provided you with a shoulder to cry on and above all else, you respect him.

Maybe that's why he's been stopping by every now and then claiming he needs some insight on certain cases.

Today the both of you are seated at a coffee shop. He's not wearing his cap either. You figure it's much easier to show his face when he isn't wanted for a crime from an evil doppelganger.

"His body turned to pure liquid?"

Harry nods.

"We were able to stabilize him. After Ramon slipped on him of course."

You couldn't help but laugh. That does sound like Cisco.

Harry has a notebook in front of him as he continues to sketch, giving you the download of Team Flash's shenanigans.

"So, why are you really here?" You sip your coffee, and he looks up, forehead creasing.

"I already told you, I needed fresh eyes."

"For the last three weeks? That seems a bit excessive."

You can tell from his expression that he's racking his brain for another believable cover.

"You don't have to keep babysitting me Harry. I know Barry probably told you to keep an eye out. But I'm fine. Really. I'm not just saying that to ease your mind."

You truly feel like you're on a positive path to moving on.

"Barry didn't send me."

"If Barry didn't send you then why do you keep sticking to me like a golden retriev..." Your words trail off when his eyes finally meet yours.

"I understand." He states.

That's great, you wish you understood exactly what he claimed to understand.

"I understand why he fell for you. I understand."

You swallow, because it feels like you understand less than before.

Especially the reason behind the flock of men with that face who seem to be drawn to you.

"I just needed to make sure you were okay. That's all."

Harry closes his book, picking up his hat as he slips it on.

"I won't bother you anymore. Look after yourself."

He stands and maybe it's instinct, but you practically jump out of your seat, grabbing his arm. Harry stumbles, holding your shoulders to steady you. He looks down, and he can see the uncertainty in your eyes.


You want to beg him not to just disappear, but the words won't come out. You can't explain why you feel safe with him. He's nothing like Eobard.

Harry is blunt, short tempered, crass at times, especially with Cisco. His personality is the complete opposite from the man you used to care for. Maybe that's why you feel safe with him. With Eobard, it was all a facade.

Right till the end.

But Harry hides very little. He's upfront about his dislikes, pet peeves and unnatural obsession for big belly burgers. He's been through loss, maybe not the exact experience, but he understands.

He understands you.

That's it..

"I understand."

Harry's brows knit, and you just smile.

"I understand Harry."

It's possible that your sentiments have reached him, because he mirrors the little smile.

"Next time you're paying." He says.

You can't help it.

You laugh. 

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