Chapter 18

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There isn't truly a word to express your gratitude.

You have your friends, the only family you've known.

You have Harry.

It feels like life has finally started to work in your favor. You smile to yourself as you glance at the ding on your phone. You laugh at the excessive messages.

Cisco: What's my favorite movie!

Barry: Are you sure you're okay? I can swing by whenever you need!

Iris: Let's have a girls night. I need to make sure you actually remember us.

Caitlin: Iris wants to have a girls night? Is there anything you need?

Joe: Barry keeps pestering me, you should let him just check in on you.

Harry: Ramon won't stop bothering me, please just text him back.

You can't believe how fortunate you are. You send them all replies, humming as you get ready to visit Star Labs. It is a weekend. Maybe this will keep them all at ease.

You're about to get ready, but the sudden memory that flashes makes you stagger, and you place your hand on the drawer for support.

"That was fun."

You send a smile at Harry who rolls his eyes.

"I don't know who keeps coming up with this content but they should be fired."

"Come on, it isn't that bad."

"It's terrible."

"You're exaggerating."

"I'm not."

You just stick your tongue out.

"Whatever, I love Hallmark films, Harry. I think most women want that subtle romance in their lives. I guess now more than ever I want to hold onto that hope. In a few days I might not even remember what love is. Who knows." You let out a bitter laugh, and Harry's eyes drop to your hands that have tightened on your lap.

It's unfair to do this to him. Your intention isn't to make him feel guilty. It just hurts to know that all these moments would disappear. You shake the thought.

"Enough of the sad sappy stuff. Let's pop another one in."

Harry knows you're trying to appear strong. He's just as terrified. But this may be his only chance to be honest with you before that's gone too.

"I love you."

Your breath stills and you turn to him, clearly taken off guard.

"H-Harry you-"

"I love you, (Y/N)."

Your eyes water and he takes your hands.

"I felt like I shouldn't have fallen in love with you. After what happened with Eobard, that pain I..I just wanted you to be happy. But I kept visiting and you kept entertaining me. Smiling at me. I know this might be one sided, even if it isn't you may not remember this or me but I need you to know that's how I feel. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

You shake your head, reaching over and hugging him.

It's impossible for you to ever blame him, or feel anything other than pure elation when you look at his grumpy little face. You laugh, pulling away and he's a bit confused, but he's wearing a smile too.

"I love you too, Harry."

He wipes the tear that streams down your cheek, kissing you happily. You smile, jumping right into his arms. The kiss is so soft, so loving. He's holding you so close. You can only feel him, this moment.

His hand begins to gravitate to your hip, and his lips part for a second. When Harry begins leaving kisses along your neck, you close your eyes. You grip at his shirt.

"I love you.."

A gasp leaves your lips and your eyes snap back into focus.

Collecting yourself, you slowly begin to recognize where you are.

"No way.."

There seems to be a lot that is all coming back. 

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