Chapter 15

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Goodbyes have always been hard for him.

This one was almost impossible.

He'd been sitting at the corner of the coffee shop for the last twenty minutes just watching you.

Like a freaking stalker.

"Have I really fallen this far?"

He knew he needed to approach soon. He'd already gotten all of his things ready. The minute he stepped through the breach to his earth, he wasn't sure when he would come back.

If he would come back.

One of your last conversations is still present in his mind.

"So I'm not going crazy?"

Harry shook his head.

"All of this is my fault. I should have known that other repercussions would come if I severed your link to the negative speed force. It isn't like Barry's speed. Everything about that energy is the very opposite. I was too hasty."

As he's beating up himself, you just send him a smile. Harry looks over, ready for some kind of statement from you. More Like he's waiting for you to blame him for everything that has gone wrong.

"I know you must feel like I'm somewhat responsible."

"Why would I blame you for trying to help me?"

Harry isn't sure what to make of that. You place your hand on his shoulder.

"I really don't remember much of anything. That negative speed force, my powers. That man who you said looks just like you. Despite all that, I feel so much. I feel happy, especially knowing that I have someone like you who is still sticking by my side even though it's clear that I've forgotten about you possibly a dozen times in the last month."

You understand why he feels that it all falls on his shoulders.

"I made this decision. The me of the past wanted to be free of that power and you did that. You freed me. There's nothing more I can ask for. This friendship, it's more than enough, Even if I end up forgetting all about it."

His eyes fall.

You backtrack.

"S-Sorry I..did I say something wrong?"

You didn't. He just wishes he could banish the twist in his gut whenever you use that word.


He's strangely quiet, and you scoot a bit closer on the couch. Harry looks up when he notices the lack of distance. He's a bit quiet as you search his eyes.

"I've been thinking about this for a while now, but is it possible that we're..more than just good friends?"

Harry swallows the lump in his throat. This topic is such a difficult one to approach. He'd done his best to give you a recap of all that you couldn't remember. But how exactly was he supposed to classify your relationship?

He's still deadly quiet.

You bite your lip.

"I can't speak for you, but when I look at you sometimes I feel more." Your hand reaches out somewhat cautiously, and you place it over his that's laying between the both of you on the couch. He doesn't pull away.

A good sign.

You give it a little squeeze.

"Is it just me?"

You don't get an actual response. Harry closes the distance and your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. The kiss holds a tenderness that you can't remember ever experiencing. Given your current situation, you can only assume that every kiss that you've shared with this man has been the same. You lean into him, trying to get as close as your bodies will allow. Harry gets the message, pulling you right into his lap. You only separate to catch a breath. His breathing has increased and his glasses have slanted just a little. His lips are a beautiful shade of red that you can't believe you've never noticed before. His disheveled state has you smiling.

"You better never let me forget about this."

He nods, pulling you back in.

"I'll make sure you remember."

It was foolish of him to make that promise.

He lowered his head, placing it on the table.

It was driving him crazy.

Trying to figure out what the right decision was.

The sound of shuffling feet of people coming in and out of the shop provided a decent distraction.

"It's you again."

Harry almost fell out of his seat. He scrambled to his feet.

Ungracefully of course. You were standing right before him looking so hopeful.

"You came back."

He couldn't form coherent words at the moment so he just nodded.

"You came to see me?"

Another nod.

"Did you forget how to form words?"


You smile at the response.

"I wanted to apologize. I'm leaving town and I didn't want to have this on my conscience."

"That's actually kind of sweet."

He avoided your gaze. Because if he saw even a spec of adoration, then it would weaken his resolve to leave.

"Well, enjoy the rest of your day." Harry spoke.

"You too." You reply.

He turned, letting out a breath.

This is the right thing to do.

It had to be.

He barely takes two steps when he feels your hand grab the back of his shirt. He turns in question, meeting your shaky gaze. You look unsure, and a bit disoriented.


He stops in his tracks, disbelief written on his face.

Maybe he's hallucinating.

It can't be...

You look like you're about to start crying your eyes out, and he gets why.

"I-It took you long enough." You sob.

He can hardly believe it. 

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