Chapter 1

213 41 221

EIGHT YEARS LATER - February 2015

I'm trapped here
A small bird in an even smaller cage
I'm suffocating
My feathers gradually disintegrate
I can't fly
I can't sing
I can't do anything
But wait
Wait until you want to set me free
As time escalates too rapidly

I set my pen down, feeling pleased with the poem I'd created. The blast of cold mid-February air blowing through a crack in the window near my bed sent a trail of goosebumps up my arms, making me eye the cup of Egyptian Chamomile tea, I'd brewed earlier. With the flick of my pointer finger, the cup slowly began floating off my nightstand, traveling towards me.

With the snap of my thumb and middle finger, a tiny white pill appeared in my hand, and I popped it into my mouth.

The pale light from the full moon illuminated my dreary, dungeon-like attic, making it feel a bit more homey.

Taking the cup in my hands, I took a sip, tasting the natural sweetness of honey and apples. A feeling of tranquility washed over me but was short-lived due to Ruby and Emily bursting into my room.

"Andi!" Ruby shouted.

"Andi Ella!" Emily yelled my first and middle name this time.

Sighing, I put the cup down on the nightstand and got off my twin bed. I stared at them, crossing my arms over my chest. "Why the sudden urge to barge into my room? Ever heard of privacy?"

Dismissing my question, Ruby started, "Mother wants you to come downstairs, and–"

"–we need you to pick up our dresses for the Spring Formal after school from Kimberly Boutique," Emily finished.

"Um . . . how about picking up the dresses yourselves?"

"We would, but both of our license got suspended for careless driving," Ruby explained.

"Thirty days without our licenses and our pink Bentleys too! What are we peasants?" Emily whined, her voice going up a notch. "That's one whole month, Andi. Can you believe it?"


"No. Wow, what a shame," I said and fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Don't you have your license, Andi? You could drive us around till we get ours unsuspended," Ruby spoke.

Her sister nodded in agreement. "Yes, you could drive us. Yes."

"Number one: I do have my license, but I refuse to drive because I'm scared of getting rear ended by some careless driver. Plus I ain't got car insurance. Number two: I am not driving you two around because I'm not your chauffeur."

Ruby and Emily stared at me wide-eyed, their mouths hanging open.

"How are we supposed to get to school without someone driving us!" Emily stomped her foot on the hardwood floor and crossed her arms over her chest.

I know, it's hard out here for two high-class, spoiled bitches. Oh, whatever will you do?

"Riding one of the city buses is an option or you could walk to school or even carpool with your friend, Candace," I suggested. "I'm sure she'd be eager to help out her two best friends in need."

"B-But the bus is so unsanitary and a lot of" –Ruby paused and made an unpleasant face– "homeless people ride it. I, Ruby Isabelle Powell-Wilson, cannot and will not be seen riding with those penniless lowlifes. Even the thought of it makes my skin crawl."

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