Chapter 4

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Side Note: The main foreign language spoken in this chapter will be Spanish, but one word will be in Latin. (translations in English are provided).

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The image of Graham reaching out to touch my forehead, his eyes full of concern, haunted my mind, and I couldn't shake it.

Why did he try to help me in the cafeteria? I have known this pompous fool since middle school, and not once has he tried to help me or anyone, so why now?

I slammed my hand on the white marble bathroom sink in frustration and glanced at Cassie, who dabbed my forehead with a damp brown paper towel.

Stop squirming. "Deja de retorcerte, so I can wipe this nasty stuff off. God, this is beyond disgusting." She threw the paper towel into a nearby trash can and turned on the faucet, washing her hands with soap and water.

Stepping away from Cassie, I headed into one of the bathroom stalls and closed the door.

"How did your session go with Dr. Patricia yesterday? I forgot to ask you during lunch," she said.

"I didn't go. I canceled my session."

"Why? W-Why would you do that? Why are you neglecting your mental health? Is she a shit therapist? Is that why you canceled on her?"

"I don't have enough money to meet with a psychiatrist and a therapist," I informed Cassie. She knew of my poor financial status but chose to ignore it. "So, I decided to drop therapy and only do the antidepressant."

The sound of Cassie kissing her teeth echoed throughout the bathroom. The sound of disappointment.

You stupid girl. "Chica estúpida. What medicine did the doctor prescribe you again?"

"Prozac. Before, she prescribed me Effexor, and the side effects were horrendous. It gave me horrible stomachaches, cotton mouth, bad diarrhea, and flu-like symptoms."

"How much was the dosage?" Cassie questioned.

"Seventy-five milligrams. She's starting me out with ten milligrams on the Prozac."

"I see," she mused. "But it does take your system a while to adjust to the new medication, so I wouldn't rush it."

"Yes. I know, Miss Wannabe Psychiatrist. Goddamn."

"Also, can you believe Graham Shaw offered to help you in the cafeteria? Wasn't that bizarre? It was, wasn't it? Wasn't it?"

"Cassie, I'm now ignoring you, so I don't care," I commented through gritted teeth and closed my eyes. 

I know the secret you're hiding.

The mysterious message I received earlier during French class popped into my head before I could snap my fingers and be rid of my stained clothing.

"C'mon, Andi, ain't you done?" Cassie banged on the door. "I thought magic wardrobe changes were finished in one second or less?"

I rolled my eyes. "Again, Cassandra, I'm ignoring you. I need to concentrate."

"Fine. My lips are sealed."

Closing my eyes once more and letting out a deep breath, I hummed softly. The sound of the lights flickering in the bathroom filled my ears.

"Andi . . . what the hell is happening?" Cassie's voice filled with panic, but I continued to ignore my best friend. "Andi? Hello?"

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