Chapter 10

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Ruby and Emily both looked horrendous. Their dresses reminded me of what Cinderella's evil stepsisters-Drizella and Anastasia-wore in the classic Walt Disney 1950s film, but more modernized.

Ruby slipped her tiny pedicured feet into her cerulean-blue pumps while Emily did the same–slipping her feet into her dark-purple pumps.

The evening housekeeper, Ms. Georgette (Gigi), opened the door and poked her head into Ruby and Emily's massive bedroom. "Be dressed and downstairs in ten minutes, girls," Gigi announced, then turned her head towards me. "Make sure they're on time, Andi."

I wanted to protest, but I held my tongue and nodded my head in understanding as Georgette disappeared, closing the door.

"Are you excited about seeing your mother after all this time, Andi?" Ruby asked while tying a bow on top of her head. The bow was the same shade of blue as her pumps.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Emily interrupted me. "Wasn't your mother put away in Connecticut's local mental hospital for being delirious–claiming she had magical capabilities or some shit?" she asked, applying nude blush to her cheeks.

Before I could say anything, Ruby started talking again, "Oh, what was that word, Mrs. Tannahill told us about in Psychology class?" she said, snapping her fingers and glancing over at her sister. "Remember, Em, the word started with a G, I think."

Instead of answering, Emily shrugged and continued putting on the rest of her makeup.

"Grandiose Delusion," I suddenly said, which caused both sisters to look at me.

"What?" they asked in unison, eyebrows raised.

"The term Grandiose Delusion or delusion of grandeur may also be a belief that a person has special abilities, possessions, or powers," I explained, which led to Ruby and Emily staring at me with vacant expressions.

"So, that's what your mother had, Andi, that Grandiose–thing?" Emily asked, putting on a pearl necklace.

"Yes, Emily. My mother was diagnosed with Grandiose Delusion," I told her the lie slipped off my tongue like melted butter.

Soon stone-cold silence filled the room, and Ruby and Emily continued getting ready for the welcome-back-into-society celebration, like before.

"Four minutes, ladies!" Ms. Georgette unexpectedly shouted from outside the bedroom door making all three of us jump in response.

"Shit, I look terrible!" Emily exclaimed and started redoing her eyeliner.

"Shut up, Emily, you look perfect. I'm the one who looks terrible!" Ruby protested and shoved her sister away from the gigantic vanity mirror with rainbow-led lights strung across the top and bottom.

"Ladies, Celia wants you both downstairs before the guests arrive." Georgette continued, "Also, Andi, Celia wanted me to remind you to bring your snarky friend with the bad attitude along with you to the servant's quarters after you've finished getting dressed as well. Celia has your outfit already laid out for you." she told me.

Snarky friend with a bad attitude? Of course, Celia was talking about Cassie. And what outfit? What could Celia possibly want me to wear?

"Hey, stop hogging the mirror, Emily!" Ruby shouted at her sister.

"Fine, I'm done with my makeup. Happy now?" Emily replied, walking away from the vanity mirror and opening the bedroom door for Georgette to come inside.

"Oh, you both look stunning!" Georgette squealed, clapping her hands together and beaming at Ruby and Emily. "You'll be the talk of the party!"

You're such a kissass, Georgette. I rolled my eyes as the sisters fawned over the praise; Georgette was giving them.

"I'll leave the three of you be and go get ready then," I said and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me.

• • • •

"Celia is one motherfucker!" Cassie exclaimed, sitting crossed-legged on my bed, hugging my worn teddy bear to her chest. "She's forcing us to report to the servant's quarters and making us wear these stupid clothes; black slacks, white button-up shirt, and tie. What bullshit."

"Can you please get dressed already, Cass?" I asked while buttoning up my shirt, trying to ignore what she's saying.

"So, you're not at all pissed that Celia's making you serve food and drinks to people when this 'celebration' is supposed to be for your mother?" Cassie continued, standing up and began getting dressed. "Because I find that hard to believe."

Of course, I was pissed, but being pissed at Celia wasn't going to do any good except make me more pissed.

"Do you still have that tiara you wore to lunch today?"

Cassie raised an eyebrow. "Yes. The tiara's in my backpack. Why?"

"If I have to dress like one of Celia's servants, why not add a little sparkle to the attire," I explained. "Become the servant and the princess. Besides, this is a party after all."

Cassie walked over towards my dresser and grabbed her messenger bag; opening the front pocket, she pulled out her sparkling, jeweled tiara and tossed it to me. "Show those bitches who the real badass princess is, Andi," she said, giving me a smile.

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