Chapter 11

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"Okay, remember, hold your head up, make eye contact, and smile," Augustus explained, walking beside me out of the servant's quarters while I held a tray of crab puffs in my hand. "Because right now, you're frowning, Andrea, and that's not what these people want." He continued, his tail swishing back and forth.

"If it's that easy, why don't you serve these people food and drinks?" I answered; the tone of my voice was harsher than intended.

Glancing down, I noticed Augustus stopped walking and was now sitting down on the wooden floor on his back legs. He looked at both of his front paws, then at me. "I don't have opposable thumbs," he said, stating the obvious.

"Hilarious, little kitty," Cassie announced, next to me, holding a tray of various sodas in one hand and glasses of champagne in the other.

Almost immediately, Celia came walking towards Cassie and me, making Augustus slowly walk towards her, wrapping his tail around her leg, purring softly. "Hurry up, you two; our guests are waiting. Oh, and Andrea, uncle David should be arriving with your mother shortly."

"Why are you wearing a tiara on your head, Andrea?" Celia asked, looking straight at me; her eyes left my face and landed on Cassie's jeweled Rapunzel tiara. "Jewelry of any kind is prohibited. What if the tiara were to fall off your head and hit one of our guests? I can't have you embarrassing this family."

"This celebration isn't ever for you. The party is for Andi and her mother to finally reconnect, so fuck off," I heard Cassie mutter underneath her breath.

"Excuse me, what did your friend just say, Andrea?" Celia placed her hands on her hips and shot daggers between both of us.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Cassie interrupted, saying. "Nothing, ma'am. We'll get the guests their food and drinks straight away, and I'll make sure Andrea gets rid of this ridiculous tiara," she told my aunt.

"Good. Now get going." Celia said, picking up Augustus and carrying him away.

Heading towards the other larger living room my aunt used more for parties and such, Cassie leaned over and whispered, "See, I told you, Andi, Celia's one complete motherfucker. I can't believe your uncle David married her."

"Well, he did," I said. Reaching up, I took the plastic tiara off my head with my free hand, and the smile Augustus told me to have plastered on my face during the party would slip back into place every time I turned away from any guest.

• • • •

"Are you enjoying the food, ma'am?" I asked a middle-aged woman wearing an elegant floor-length dress with sequins paired with a fury white shawl.

"Oh, the food is exquisite, dear!" she exclaimed, putting her hand on my arm. "Who's your cook? I must have them cook for me at my next birthday party. I'm turning fifty-three next month."

"Our chef is Jean-George Pépin. He's originally from Toulouse, France, and I'm sure he'd love to cook for your next birthday." I told the woman, which caused a smile to spread across her wrinkle-free face.

"Excellent, excellent!" She reached into her teal-blue clutch and pulled out what looked to be like a business card. "Tell Mr. Pépin that Ms. Margaret Webbs of Webbs County Club of Connecticut wants him to give her a call."

"Will do, Ms. Webbs," I said and stuck her business card into the front pocket of my apron. "It was nice talking with you."

"You too, dear." Ms. Webbs said. "What's your name?"

"Andrea. Andi for short." I told her.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Andi. I enjoyed talking with you much better than any of these old brutes." she winked at me and walked away towards a cluster of ladies and gentlemen gathered together, chatting amongst themselves.

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