Chapter 9

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"Who's responsible for Ruby and Emily after school?" Cassie asked, stepping up beside me. "I mean, if it were me, I'd force their butts back on that bus."

"Uncle David drove them home, then went to the center to get my mom. A truck filled with suitcases." I responded and gripped the enchanted plastic bag that was holding my cafeteria-food-stained clothes.

Cassie turned to face me. "Before we get this show on the road, I have another question: where did you get this denim jacket?"

"Oh, Graham gave it to me, well, more like let me borrow," I told her, trucking some loose hair behind my ear.

Her lips formed a smirk and she hit me on the shoulder with her hand. "Andi Elle Wilson, you bitch. Graham Wes likes likes your witch ass. See, I told you." Cassie stuck her tongue out at me.

"Come on; we should get going. West Hartford is four hours away, and there are tons of chores to complete," I said, ignoring what Cassie said about Graham.

Raising an eyebrow, she asked, "So, how are we supposed to accomplish all this? Riding the public transport bus won't be an option, in this case, Andi."

"I got our transportation covered, Cass, don't worry." I winked then whistled with my fingers, and within thirty seconds, my flying broom zipped through the air towards us.

"Fuck, Andi, you're full of surprises today. First with Graham, now this. What's next, you'll start wearing a black pointed hat? Remember what your mom told you always embrace the powers inside." Cassie said, her eyes never leaving the broom that was floating in mid-air.

"Okay, first nothing happened between Graham except for me borrowing his furry denim jacket, and second witches don't wear pointy black hats, only witches in movies like Harry Potter wear them," I explained, grabbing the broom and got on after putting the enchanted plastic bag into my backpack.

Cassie got on behind me. Her arms were squeezing my waist. "How fast does this broom go?"

"Depends. Normally brooms can fly as fast as one hundred and fifty miles per hour." I told her. "You're not airsick, already, are you?"

Cassie chirps, "No. I'm fine," but I could tell she was lying.

The broom wobbled up and down for a second, which caused Cassie's arms to squeeze my waist tighter, practically crushing the life out of me.

"Hang on tight," I told her, then patted her knee for comfort. "We are outta here!"

The broom suddenly jerked forward, and Cassie let out a little scream as we began flying through leftover snow and ice-covered Danbury, Connecticut.

• • • •

"What happened with Danica? Did you tell her about your feelings for her?" I asked Cassie. I had to shout my question due to the massive gusts of wind blowing.

But instead of answering, she responded, "Don't go too fast, Andi." in a high-pitched voice like she'd inhaled some helium.

The broom began rocketing back and forth, and Cassie let out an ear-piercing scream. "Cassie, if we fall off this broom, we are dead," I warned, and she instantly went radio-silent.

"Now relax and remain calm because the more you fuss and freak out, the more the broom will wobble. Okay?" I felt her head nod against my back.

Lifting the nose of my broom, we began to sail upward, higher into the cloudy sky. The wind blew some hair into my mouth, but honestly, I didn't care. I was flying, and it felt like freedom.

"Are we near West Hartford yet?" Cassie asked from behind me.

"Only one way to find out," I said and tilted the broom down some, making it go downwards instead of upwards. "Hold on tight!" I shouted to Cassie as we plugged down to the ground, our screams mixed with excitement and fear like we were riding the biggest roller coaster.

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