Chapter 1 - Nashi Dragneel

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Nashi's POV

"Ha!" I shouted as I sent a punch towards my Dad. We were having a mock battle in the training room. He easily dodged my attack. "Remember not to go for the obvious attack" Dad gave me some advice. I sent another kick towards him and he blocked my attack. "I think that's enough for today" Dad said, stopping the mock battle that lasted half an hour. Dad is awesome and someday I will beat him in combat. Oh, did I mention he's the boss of the Fairy Tail mafia?

My name is Nashi Dragneel, daughter of Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Dragneel. I'm seven years old and I have a younger brother named Igneel Dragneel who is four years old. I looked like a younger version of Mum, but I got Dad's pink hair colour and love of food. Igneel on the other hand, looks like a young version of Dad with Mum's hair colour and love of reading. He is such a mummy's boy since he loves to follow Mum everywhere like a little duckling, but it was cute.

"Nashi!" I heard Igneel and I turned to find him running towards me with Mum standing by the doorway. Igneel hugged me with his Plue plush in his hand. I hugged him back. He is the cutest little brother I could've asked for. "Igneel, you ready for your lesson?" Dad asked as he walked up to Mum and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Don't go too hard on him Natsu. He's only four remember" Mum said and Dad smiled. "I won't, I promise" he replied and gave Mum a kiss on the lips. I immediately turned my head away in disgust. "Ew Dad" I complained. Mum and Dad chuckled.

"Come on Nashi. You need a shower" Mum said and I walked over to her. She crouched down in front of Igneel. "Have fun training. Show your Dad how strong you are" she told him and he smiled. "Ok Mummy" he replied and then he punched Dad's leg. It didn't hurt Dad but he pretended it did. "Ow, Igneel, when did you get so strong?" he said and Igneel giggled. "We'll see you boys later" Mum said before glaring at Dad. "Don't hurt my baby boy" she threatened and Dad looked scared. "Aye Lucy" he replied. As far as I know, Mum is the only person who could scare Dad.

Mum took me out of the room and I took a shower. After I took a shower, Mum took me over to the rowdy bar. "Hi Lucy, hi Nashi, how was training?" Auntie Mira asked from behind the bar. She wasn't related to me by blood, but I call all of Mum and Dad's friends auntie or uncle. "Training went well. Still didn't beat Dad though" I pouted as I sat on a bar stool. Mum and Auntie Mira giggled. "One day Nashi. You've still got time to grow and get stronger" Mum said and then she turned to Auntie Mira. "Two strawberry milkshakes please Mira" she asked. Strawberry milkshakes were one of the things Mum and I had in common, we both loved them.

"Hey Pinky" I heard a familiar insult, and I turned around to see my best friend Storm. He is the son of Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Fullbuster and he's the same age as me but I'm older by a month. "What did you call me Frost Bite?" I challenged as I jumped off my bar stool. Our fights were a regular occurrence. Mum always says we fight like Dad and Uncle Gray.

Before our insult fight escalated, Auntie Mira brought over our strawberry milkshakes. "Would you like a chocolate milkshake Storm?" Auntie Mira asked and Storm nodded.

"Nashi, Storm. Igneel and I were thinking of going to the park tomorrow, would you two like to join us?" Mum asked. "Yes!" Storm and I cheered and then glared at each other. "Stop copying me Droopy/Squinty Eyes" we complained at the same time. "Stop copying me!" we both shouted again. Mum sighed, "That's enough you two or I'll tell your dads" she said and we quickly shut up.

"What's up Lucy" Uncle Gray greeted as he walked over to us. "Ah! You summoned him!" Storm exclaimed as he hid behind me and Uncle Gray looked confused. "Hey Gray, I was thinking of taking the kids to the park tomorrow. Can you, Gajeel and Laxus come with us as protection?" Mum asked. "Sure, but have you told Natsu yet?" he asked. "Not yet but I'll let him know after he finishes training Igneel" she replied.

"Mummy!" Igneel cheered as he ran into the room and towards Mum. She picked him up and checked for any injuries. When she found none, she was relieved. She used to be worried about me when I first started training when I was Igneel's age but now I was older and stronger, she's less worried about my training. If I do get injured during training though, she'll give Dad hell. Probably one of the reasons Dad was afraid of her.

"What are you all talking about?" Dad asked as he joined our conversation. "I was thinking of taking the kids to the park tomorrow while you're at work. You don't mind, do you?" Mum asked. "I don't mind, as long as you have protection" Dad replied. "I already asked Gray if he could along with Gajeel and Laxus for protection" Mum replied and Dad smirked. "You always think one step ahead. Ok, you have my permission" he replied. Yay! I can't wait for tomorrow.

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