Chapter 7 - How Could You?!

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Nashi's POV

I couldn't believe what I heard. He's going to let Mum suffer. I slammed open the door with a loud bang. Dad and everyone else looked shocked when they saw me. Dad stood up, "Nashi" he started to say but I didn't want to hear it. "How could you? How could you abandon Mum?!" I shouted and then ran down the hallway towards the front door. "Nashi!" Dad called out in worry, and I could hear their footsteps behind me, but I kept running. I ran out the front door and into the elevator. Quickly, I pressed the lobby button and then the close button. The door shut completely before they reached the elevator.

Once the elevator opened, I ran into the lobby and out of the building. I didn't have any destination in mind, but my only goal was to get as far as I could away from home and Dad's work. I carefully navigated as I ran so I stayed out of the city camera sight as much as possible. Auntie Levy could track me using them and I didn't want to be found.

After an hour of running, I stopped at a nearby alleyway and sat beside the dumpster where no one on the street could see me. The dumpster did stink a little but right now I had a lot more important things on my mind. I brought my knees to my chest and cried. Letting out all the pent-up feelings I was holding. 'How could he?' I thought as I cried. If Dad wasn't going to save her then I will. After a few minutes, I wiped my tears away and tried to think of how I was going to find Mum's kidnappers. I don't have $500 million. Mum and Dad only give me $10 a week if I do my chores. Nowhere near the amount of money I need. Too bad I can't steal Dad's credit card. He always keeps it on him and it's impossible to steal from him. Trust me I've tried.

'How else can I find Mum's kidnappers?' I questioned myself. If I saw the second video that Dad found, then maybe I could get some more clues on Mum's whereabouts. I don't plan on going back there anytime soon, at least until after I save Mum. Suddenly I heard some footsteps coming towards my hiding spot. Trying to figure out if it belonged to a friend or foe, I curled up more to keep myself small and hoping they wouldn't notice me. Unfortunately for me, the footsteps belonged to my dad as he walked in front of me, and he noticed me. "Go away!" I shouted before running away from him. I didn't get far because he grabbed my arm, stopping me from going any further.

"Nashi, hear me out" he said and then pointed to the space on the floor. Since Dad wasn't trying to drag me back home immediately and he seemed willing to listen to me. I decided to listen to what he had to say. I pulled my arm away from him and sat down on the ground where he pointed. I curled up into my previous position as he sat down on the ground beside me. "Listen, you misunderstood my intention earlier" he started. "How? I clearly heard you say that you're going to let Mum get hurt to keep your precious money" I snapped.

"Wrong. Think of it this way, if I gave into his demand which doesn't involve the exchange of your mother, he would continue to list demands until the fall of Fairy Tail. There isn't any guarantee that he wouldn't hurt your mother or whether they would hand her over alive after the demands have been made. Your mother has been kidnapped before in the past..." he paused to growl and clench his fists. "Since then, she has grown in dealing with these types of situations and has become stronger mentally and physically. I have no doubt she'll be able to stay strong but that doesn't mean I'm not trying to save her before the demand is meant to go down" he explained. So, he wasn't planning on abandoning Mum. That was good to hear but how could he be so sure he could find her before the demand deadline?

"I understand but how do you plan to find her before the deadline?" I asked. "Your mother sent a secret message through the new video we received from the kidnappers. I've got Levy trying to figure out what she meant" he replied. "I want to help you. I want to find Mum as much as you" I said. I hoped he would confide and include me in the details of the search for Mum so that I could help. "It's too dangerous. I already didn't protect your mother this time and I couldn't bear something happening to you or Igneel. I'm sure your mother is relieved to know you're both safe with me" he replied. I understood his concern, but... "I'm your heir, that means I'll be in your position one day. I know how dangerous your job is and I'm just a kid, but I want to help. For Mum" I said with my hand on his arm, looking at him dead in the eye.

He looked into my eyes for a moment before sighing and giving me a small smile. "You're just like your mother" he chuckled while combing his hair back with his hand. "Ok you can help. You'll only be included in every meeting related to your mother's kidnapping, but you can't join us in any of the fights. Your mother would kill me if she found out I brought you to a gunfight. Leave that to me and my men" he said and then held out his hand. "Do we have a deal?" he asked. There was no way I was going to say no to that deal. I grabbed his hand and shook it, sealing the deal. "Deal" I said with a smile.

"Good, now let's go home" he said as he stood up and dusted off his expensive suit. As I stood up, he held his hand out for me to hold and I gladly took it. He walked me over to where the car was parked with Uncle Gray sitting in the driver's seat listening to 'Ice Ice Baby' by Vanilla Ice. He immediately turned it off when he noticed us, pretending it never happened. We hopped in the back seat and he drove back home.

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