Chapter 13 - Rescue Mission

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Natsu's POV

I stepped out of my car door and glared at the building in front of me. Shade Industries, Jose's business and Phantom Lord's Headquarters. No expense was spared for this rescue party and every single one of my men had been gathered to join this attack. Phantom Lord is going to regret ever messing with me and my family. Just wait for me Lucy, your beloved fire dragon is on his way.

Thanks to Erza's contact, Jellal, we were able to confirm that Jose was here along with most of his Mafia. We were going to wipe Phantom Lord off the face of Earthland. I pulled my Fire Dragon Slayer gun out of my suit and held it tight in my gloved hand. Beside me, Laxus and Gray gave me a supportive nod and pulled out their weapons.

'It's time' I thought as I pulled my phone out with my free hand. I texted a simple point-up emoji to the mafia's group chat, signalling to begin the attack. Less than a minute passed then the first gunshot was heard. Regular citizens around the area screamed and ran away from the building. We had 15 minutes before the cops get here so we needed to hurry.

Together with Laxus and Gray, we ran towards the back entrance and into the building. Our friends cleared the path for us. "Boss, the cameras are showing that Jose is on his way to the dungeons" Levy's voice sounded in my ear-piece. "Good, that's where this will end" I replied as we ran towards the elevator. Before we could enter, we were blocked by 3 of the Element 4, Aria of Air, Sol of the Earth, and Totomaru of Fire. Without giving them a chance to attack, I pointed my gun and shot three rapid shots at them. Totomaru swiped his gloved hand to the side and the shot sharply changed direction to fly towards us. Aria added some invisible air shots of his own to the attack.

We quickly dodged while running backward and then took shelter behind a concrete wall garden. Before Laxus could completely hide behind the wall, one of Aria's air bullets grazed his arm. "You good Laxus?" I asked before sending a quick shot over the wall at the enemy. Like my other shots, it was sent back toward us.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It went straight through. Boss, you go on ahead. Gray and I can handle these three" Laxus said and then took a shot over the wall. "We'll give you an opening" Gray added. I gave them a nod in agreement. In unison they both jumped out and rapidly fired. The members of the Element 4 scattered from the elevator doors to find shelter. I took this chance to run towards the elevator and closed the doors.

Underneath the buttons was a keypad which I knew was the access keypad for their Mafia floors. "Levy, I'm in the elevator. There's some sort of keypad that needs a code" I said through my ear-piece. "Give me two seconds" she replied and then the keypad turned green. Levy hacked the elevator and forced it to go down to level 3. Phantom Lord needs better security but after today there won't be a Phantom Lord mafia anymore.

As soon as the doors opened, I quickly ducked to dodge a shade bullet. Jose smirked as he stood next to one of the cells, aiming his gun at me. In the cell, I noticed Lucy lying on the ground, not moving. She looked worse than in the last video I saw of her. From where I stood, it didn't look like she was breathing. My heart felt like it shattered at the sight of her. Was I too late? How am I going to live without her? What am I going to tell Nashi and Igneel? Rage built up in my body and I glared murderously at Jose's smirking face.

"You're too late Dragneel. Soon, I'll let you join your wife in the afterlife. See you in hell!" he laughed. A deep growl erupted at the back of my throat as I clenched my fist. Death was too good for him. I'm going to make him suffer. He's going to wish he was in hell. As he pulled the trigger, I put up my gloved hands and roared an explosive amount of flames. His bullets incinerated and I swiftly ran around my flames, using the flames as a smoke screen. When the flames dispersed, I was in front of him with my flaming fist raised. His eyes widened since he didn't expect me to reach him so quickly. My fist landed on his face and he flew backwards.

I briefly glanced to the side at Lucy. A sharp pain hit my heart, quickly followed by another wave of boiling anger. I looked back at Jose who was standing up while holding his cheek. He gritted his teeth while pulling out his Shade Knife from his suit jacket. This fight just got more interesting. I shouldn't let that knife touch me. Since Jose was one of the Ten Sinner Godfathers, he was one of the ten extremely powerful and skilled wizards in the continent of Ishgar. His knife could take down any strong opponent with a few scratches from its blade. He may be strong in magic but I'll be able to overpower him with my physical strength and speed. I better make this quick.

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