Chapter 9 - Mark My Words

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Natsu's POV

"Phantom Lord? This sounds like something Jose would do" Gray commented. My mind went back to the day when I last saw Jose all those years ago before Nashi was born. He was trying to sell his drugs on my turf, but I refused. "Mark my words Dragneel. You'll regret this" his last words echoed in my mind. Not long after that, I shut down all his drug rings in Magnolia. Practically taking out a large percentage of his profit. Next, my mind went to his knife that I wish I recognised sooner. It was his Shade Knife, his favourite weapon to torture his enemies. His knife can suck the life force out of any living thing it cuts. If Jose tortures Lucy with that knife... I need to save her, fast.

"We need to find her fast. That knife sucks out the life force of any living thing it cuts. Levy, inform everyone about Phantom Lord, especially Laxus. I want eyes on every Phantom Lord location and to capture any known Phantom Lord members for information" I ordered. Levy nodded and ended the call to fulfil my orders. "Are we changing the plan?" Gray asked. Even if we changed the plan and paid the demand, they might still hurt Lucy, but I was sure they wouldn't kill her because then they would lose their leverage. "No, we'll continue with the plan. Erza, can you use your connection to Crime Sorcière and ask them for help?" I asked. "I'm sure Jellal will be able to help. I'll contact him now" Erza replied and then walked out of my office to make a phone call.

"What do you want me to do boss?" Gray asked and I looked over my shoulder. I quickly covered Nashi's eyes with my hand as I noticed Gray had stripped down into his boxers. "Dad?" she questioned at my action. "First off, you can put your clothes back on before I punch you for stripping in front of my daughter" I growled. "Ah?!" he exclaimed as he noticed his naked body and then grabbed his clothes. After he dressed himself, I uncovered Nashi's eyes.

"I want you to keep an eye on Laxus. Knowing him, he might do something reckless to save Lucy now that he knows Phantom Lord is behind this. You remember how he was when I was trying to date Lucy" I ordered. "What did Uncle Laxus do?" Nashi asked and Gray quietly chuckled. Oops, she can't let her know how crazy her uncle was back in the day when it came to men dating her mother. If Laxus finds out his niece knows, he's going to kill me. "Ah, I'll tell you when you're older" I said as an excuse, hoping she would forget what I said over time. "Say no more" Gray chuckled and then walked towards the door.

"Dad?" Nashi caught my attention, and I looked down at her. "Now that you know Phantom Lord took Mum, why can't you storm their headquarters?" she asked. "Phantom Lord have a hundred branches and we have no idea where their headquarters is. Or even if your mother is being kept at their headquarters or one of their branches" I explained. "Oh" she replied sadly and looked down at the floor. I could tell she was upset that we couldn't rush to Lucy's rescue right away.

I ruffled her hair and gave her a reassuring smile. She looked up at me with curious brown eyes that reminded me of her mother's eyes. "Don't worry. My men and women will capture someone from Phantom Lord and we'll make them tell us where they're hiding her. Your information helped us get one step closer to finding your mother so don't be upset. I'm so proud of you and I'm sure your mother would feel the same" I said to comfort her. She smiled at my words. "Yeah" she replied with newfound excitement and I chuckled. "Let's get some food. I'm starving" I said, changing the subject. "I want burgers!" she said excitedly as she jumped off my lap. "Burgers it is then" I replied as I stood up and walked with her out of my office. Markmy words Jose, I will get you back for taking Lucy and it'll be much worse thanwhat I did to you.

Lucy's POV

I hoped Natsu and Fairy Tail figured out my clue. It has been three days since I was kidnapped by Phantom Lord. They locked me in a cell in the basement in one of their buildings. I have no idea where since they had put a bag over my head on the way here. There was only one small window with bars letting light into my cell. Three times a day, the man with the black and white hair would bring my meals with a glass of water. I found out his name is Totomaru. Each time he brought a meal I inspected it for poison and when I didn't detect any, I ate small portions of it. I needed to keep my strength up since I plan to get back to my kids, but I needed to be careful.

As I sat on the cell bed, thinking of a way out, I heard a loud commotion outside the room of cells I was in. "What do you mean he didn't deposit the $500 million?! We have his wife, why wouldn't he pay to keep her unharmed?!" I heard Phantom Lord's Mafia Boss Jose shout. A loud bang happened and I can only assume he threw something in anger.

I wasn't worried. I knew Natsu wouldn't pay that demand. If he did, it would show our enemies that his family is his weakness and he will bend to their demands to keep them safe, which would put me and our kids in more danger. One additional benefit to marrying Natsu is he trained me well to keep my mind strong. I'm ready for whatever Phantom Lord do to me.

Speaking of them, Jose walked into the room and stood in front of my cell. "How's my favourite prisoner doing?" he smirked. I chuckled, "I'm your only prisoner" I replied sarcastically, pointing my eyes to all the empty cells around me. "Let me guess, my husband didn't give in to your demand?" I smirked when I saw his eye twitch. "You know, a lady such as yourself shouldn't be captive in this dingy cell. Since I'm a gentleman, I'll be willing to upgrade your accommodation with us if you give us some detailed information about your husband" he offered. Did he really think I would sell out my own husband like that? He's probably trying to tempt me into betraying Natsu which obviously won't work. I decided to mess with him.

"Oh how could I refuse? He's 5 foot 7 inches, handsome, muscular, and has spiky pink hair" I teased. Jose glared at me but then his frown turned into a smirk. "I gave you a chance Mrs Dragneel. Since you clearly aren't going to cooperate, we shall go ahead with the original plan. Take her to the torture chamber and make sure to keep her alive" he ordered as he unlocked my cell. I stood up and stood in a fighting position. I won't let them drag me to another room without a fight.

Totomaru and the man with the bandages across the eyes, Aria, walked into my cell. "Don't make this harder than it already is" Totomaru said but I punched him in the face. As he recoiled back in pain, Aria tried to reach me with his large hand but I quickly ducked underneath and ran past them. Jose blocked the cell door and I was about to kick him but he grabbed my ankle. Before I could pull my leg back, he sliced the side of my stomach with his knife. I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground and held my stomach. His knife must've been a magic weapon because it hurt more than a standard knife and I felt weaker afterwards.

Totomau and Aria took the chance to grab each of my arms and roughly pulled me to my feet. Together they dragged me out of the cell. "Why do you want to hurt my husband?" I asked Jose while weakly struggling against his men's grips and he smirked. As far as I know, Natsu hasn't done anything to Phantom Lord in the past few years, so I wanted to know why they are so hell-bent on hurting him. "I want to make Dragneel squirm and suffer for what he did to Phantom Lord" Jose replied with a mocking wave. His answer left me confused as his men dragged me away to the torture chamber.

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