Chapter 4 - A Plan & A Message

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Lucy's POV

I can't believe I got kidnapped. At least I knew the kids were safe with Natsu. He wouldn't let anyone hurt them and I know he'll be working hard to save me. Any chance I get, I'll escape to get back to them. The leader of the men who attacked us pulled the sack off my head and dragged me by my bound arms out of a black van. In front of us was an abandoned building and he pulled me inside the building. They had tied my hands behind my back with rope and gagged me with a cloth and duct tape. Five of his lackeys followed behind us, keeping an eye out for any dangers.

We stopped in a large worn-down room. A tall, slim man in a dark purple suit walked in with two men in black suits behind him. The man had long, straight dark red hair reaching down to his shoulders and a thin moustache. He had a long and sharp face, vaguely pointed ears and dark-coloured lips. The man to his left had an odd hair colour. It was tied up in a ponytail with black hair on the right and white hair on the left. A black line crossed his face. The other man was massive with tanned skin and bandages across his eyes. It was clear these men were a part of a mafia.

"Here's the package sir. She was difficult to capture" the leader holding me said to the man in front of us. "I thought I told you to bring me her and the kids" the man replied, displeased. "Unfortunately, blondie here sent her kids away with two ninjas before we could capture them" the leader explained. "As we were able to hold up part of our end of the deal. Do you have the payment for blondie here?" he added.

The man smirked. "Thank you for your service. I have your payment right here" the man said before he and his men whipped out their guns and killed the five lackeys. The leader pulled me in front of him using me as a human shield while putting a gun to my temple. I was scared I was going to die right here without seeing my kids and Natsu again. I closed my eyes in fear. A gunshot sounded but I didn't feel any pain. The leader dropped behind me. I turned to look at him on the ground with a bullet in his head.

With no one holding me, I took this as a chance to run. The need to get back to my kids and Natsu was the only thing on my mind. Before I could run out of the room, another man in black appeared in the doorway. He was a slim man with a tiny, pointy moustache and green hair pointing upwards. In front of his right eye sat a monocle with a chain connected to his chest pocket. "Non, non, non, you shouldn't run away from Monsieur Jose, Mademoiselle" he said as he wobbled his upper body from side to side. My eyes widened as I recognised the name. Natsu told me about the other mafias.

Jose and his two men walked up behind me, surrounding me. Jose grabbed my arm and I tried to pull away, but he had a strong grip. "Come Mrs Dragneel. We've got huge plans for you" he smirked before dragging me out of the room with his men.

Natsu's POV

After putting the kids to bed, I sat in my penthouse office working late looking through my connections, searching for any clue on Lucy or her kidnappers. I couldn't even think of sleeping knowing she was probably suffering somewhere at the hands of whoever took her. My fists clenched at the thought. Suddenly my new phone beside me beeped, signalling I received a text. I looked at my screen to see Lucy's name popped up. I immediately grabbed my phone and looked at the message. Hoping maybe she had escaped and was trying to contact me. The message was a video which I pressed to play.

The video started in a dark room with a light in the centre of the room and Lucy sitting on a wooden chair. I continued to watch the video intensely. She was tied up and gagged. "Hello Natsu Dragneel" a voice sounded from the video. The man's voice was deep and distorted. The person behind the voice was clearly using a voice modifier.

A man dressed head to toe in black appeared on the screen next to Lucy. He wore a black jumpsuit, boots, and gloves. A hood and fencing face mask covered his head and face making him completely anonymous. Lucy glared at him when he entered the frame. He walked behind her and grabbed her jaw. "You've got such a beautiful wife" he commented. I gritted my teeth and glared at the man on the screen for touching her.

"You act all high and mighty, the big bad boss of the Fairy Tail mafia, but we know your weakness for your family" he said and then let her jaw go. He continued walking around her to stand on the other side of her, facing the camera. "You denied our requests for years while you were on your high horse, but we won't stand for it anymore. We'll send you a list of demands in the upcoming days. Look out for it" he continued with a chuckle and then the video ended.

I slammed my fist into the table and stood up. As much as the video made me want to throw my phone across the room, I need to get this video analysed and have Lucy's phone tracked by Levy ASAP. I dialled her number and put the phone between my ear and shoulder. While it was ringing, I transferred the video from my phone onto my computer and emailed it to Levy. "Hello?" Levy's tired voice spoke through the phone. I must've woken her up. Before I could speak, another voice spoke from the phone. "Who's ringing this late Shrimp?" I heard Gajeel's tired voice in the background. My mind imagined they were in bed together. "Shh, it's the boss. Sorry boss, what do you need?" Levy said.

"I need you to analyse the video I've sent you immediately. It was sent from Lucy's phone by the people who've kidnapped her. So, I need you to track her phone's location" I ordered as I paced my office. "Yes boss, I'll look into it right away" she replied. "Good" I said and then hung up. "Ah!" I shouted to try and release some of my pent-up rage. "Dad?" I heard from the door and saw Nashi looking at me with worried eyes.

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