Chapter 3 - Anger & Promises

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Nashi's POV

None of us touched the milkshakes Auntie Mira made. We stayed in silence, staring at our drinks, worried about our parents. Auntie Mira looked at us with worried eyes as she cleaned a glass. I looked at Dad and I could see he was deep in thought. His phone was on the bar counter in front of him, waiting for news on Mum and the others.

After a long silence, his phone rang and he immediately picked it up. "Speak" he ordered as he walked away to the other end of the room and began pacing. Storm and I turned to listen to his conversation. "What?" Dad growled as he paced. "What do you mean she's gone?! WHO took her?!" he shouted. 'Someone took Mum?' I thought as my heart sank in my chest. Igneel began to cry, and I pulled him in for a hug. Right now I need to be strong for him. Dad combed back his hair with his fingers in frustration and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I want everyone who isn't injured or treating the injured searching the area for her. Bring Gray, Gajeel, and Laxus back to Headquarters" he ordered before hanging up. "Ah!" he shouted as he threw his phone at the wall and it broke on impact. I jumped, a little scared at how angry Dad was. I've never seen Dad this angry ever and it scared me. Throwing his phone must not been enough because he then punched the wall beside him, creating a dent. Igneel cried louder while tightening his arms around me. Dad seemed to finally notice Igneel crying and rushed over to us. He pulled us into a tight hug.

The elevator dinged which caught our attention. Uncle Gray, Uncle Gajeel, and Uncle Laxus, were carried out of the elevator by a few of Dad's men including Auntie Juvia. They all had been badly injured with at least one bullet wound. "Dad!" Storm cried out as he ran over to his parents. "I'll be alright Storm. Don't worry about me" Uncle Gray said while ruffling Storm's hair. They were quickly rushed to the infirmary.

"Where's Mummy?" Igneel asked while looking around for Mum, expecting to see her. I let Dad explain but I wondered how he was going to break this to Igneel. He picked him up so they were both on the same eye level. "Someone took her" he told him delicately, but I could hear him trying to hold back a growl. Igneel began to cry again. Poor Igneel, he was going to miss Mum the most besides Dad. "But I promise to bring her back to us" he continued, trying to calm him down. Igneel calmed down to a sniffle and nodded, believing him. When Dad says he's going to do something, he always delivers.

"Come on Nashi" Dad said as he began walking towards the elevator doors with Igneel in his arms. I jumped off my stool and followed them. "Mira, I'm taking the kids home. Immediately contact me as soon as you hear anything about Lucy" he ordered before we entered the elevator.

Natsu's POV

"Speak" I ordered as I walked to the other side of the room. "Boss, we chased off the enemy. Gray, Gajeel, and Laxus are badly injured but..." Erza paused on the other end of the call. A raging feeling bubbled in my gut. What happened to Lucy? "What?" I growled, demanding her to continue. "Lucy's gone" she continued grimly. My mind flashed back to when Acnologia took her. That was the last straw of keeping my cool.

"What do you mean she's gone?! WHO took her?!" I shouted. "Unfortunately, we don't know. The dead men were part of a 'hitman for hire' so we don't know who they were working for" she explained. I combed back my hair with my fingers in frustration and took a deep breath. There was only one thing I could do. "I want everyone who isn't injured or treating the injured searching the area for her. Bring Gray, Gajeel, and Laxus back to Headquarters" I ordered.

'My wife is kidnapped and we don't have a lead' I thought and then my anger boiled over. "Ah!" I shouted as I threw my phone at the wall and it broke on impact. Throwing my phone didn't make a dent in my rage so I punched the wall beside me, creating a dent in the wall. I heard Igneel crying and it caught my attention. 'Fuck, how am I going to tell them?' I wondered as I rushed over to my kids, who were hugging each other. I pulled them both into a hug. 'Thank goodness that at least my kids are safe, but I will KILL the bastard who took my wife' I thought while glaring at the wall.

Later after I took the kids home, I tucked Igneel into bed for a nap with Carlos. He was exhausted from all the crying. I walked out to the living room and found Nashi sitting on the lounge with her legs folded in her arms. Beside her, Happy was trying to cheer her up by rubbing his head against her. I walked over to her and sat down beside her. The entire time Nashi refused to look at either of us, only looking at the ground. As much as I wanted to get to work on finding Lucy, our kids needed me more than ever right now.

Happy walked away, knowing we needed some father-daughter time. "Why would someone take Mum?" Nashi mumbled. I took a moment to think of my response. Nashi's smart and right now she looked so fragile, like one wrong word could break her. As heir of Fairy Tail, she's going to experience a lot of the bad sides of this life, but I've been trying to slowly build up her strength and knowledge of this world.

I took a deep breath before speaking. "In my line of work, it's easy to make...enemies. I believe some bad people took your mother to get to me" I explained carefully. She needed to know this one day, but I hoped she would learn when she was older. "Why?" she asked again. "I don't know yet, but know this, I won't rest until we get your mother back" I replied honestly. She shuffled over and leaned against me. I wrapped my arm around her. "You promise?" she asked. "I promise" I replied confidently as I leaned my head on hers. She raised her pinkie in front of me. "Pinkie promise?" she asked and I linked my pinkie with hers. "Pinkie promise" I replied and I felt her relax in my arms. I will keep my promise.

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