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"A'ying is called weiying by others, papa is called as changze and mama is called as cangse, a'ying is four"

Xielian doesn't know what he should feel,they came for this boy,the baby boy they are searching, and the boy he likes are the same one, he felt the sudden feeling of protectiveness towards the boy, only one thought revolving this baby should not suffer and he know he will make sure the boy will be protected,he looks at hua cheng who looks like he is having same thoughts.

Suddenly the baby coughed, xielian looked at the child who is looking flushed and tired,he checked his temperature and found that he is having a fever. they made him sleep on the bed and called for a healer. the healer came and told that it's probably because of the injury and the baby haven't eaten anything from two or three days,they assumed that inn owner didn't give any food to the boy, hua cheng felt furious how dare they treat his baby like that,yes a'xian became his baby the moment he saw him , it seems like his gege feels the same,he decided to speak with his beloved about the adoption then ask for a'ying's opinion,if everything goes fine the baby sleeping in his arms will be theirs.

As weiying's health is not good the healer advised them to not move him and also give him enough rest,they both decided to stay here for another two days until his fever reduces and later move him to puqi shrine, as taking him to heaven is not good choice as the gods can make him uncomfortable and in ghost city it's not good for his head injury recovery.

Hua cheng: gege, can I ask you something

Xielian: yes sanlang,you can ask anything,you don't need permission.

Hua Cheng: gege what do you think about a'ying.

Xielian: he feels special sanlang,he is such a lovely child,he shouldn't suffer any hardships,i feel very sad about his future,i hope we can help him and save him from all the tragedy.

Hua cheng: so... how do you think... about

Xielian: about?

Hua Cheng: about making him our child, i know it's sudden and we are not prepared but I feel very happy when I saw him hugging me gege, my blood boiled the moment I saw that inn owner idiot hitting him, i don't want him to feel any pain gege,i know we just met him today but i know he is the one i would ever want gege, he is like you in some cases and like me in other things, he may not be our blood child,but if we had one then the baby would be just like a'ying,that is also the reason I want to adopt him, but mostly because i want him to escape from a tragic fate like us, and feel the love of a family.

Xielian was stunned, it's like hua cheng is telling his own thoughts, he felt relieved,he was a bit nervous about huacheng's opinion,but knowing that he was thinking the same thing gave him relief and also increased the love towards the man infront of him tentfold if possible. He smiled and said

Xielian: you know sanlang, I think you stole my words, yes let's take him in as our child but, before that let's ask him.if he accepts we can take further steps.

Hua cheng: if he accepts i will never let him set his foot in mortal realm again.

Xielian: atleast not before he ascends, i will make sure to train him by myself and other gods, if what that lady wen said is true a'ying is already near to immortality before giving up his core,with our help it will be more easy. We will protect our child with all our strength san lang, the rule is we can't interfere in mortal issues ,so we can interfere in his issues,there is no rule against parents involving in the issue of their children in heavens.

Hua cheng: gege , you find a loophole in the rules, wow.....

They heard a sound and looked at the child who is still sleeping he just rolled a bit and his hand hit the glass on the table, which made the noise but not too loud to wake the baby,but he rolled to the edge of the bed and may have fallen if they don't see him , they caught him before he fell and adjusted him on the bed , xielian this time keeping pillows as boundaries for stopping him from rolling.

Hua cheng : what are you doing gege.

Xielian: i am arranging pillows sanlang,so a'ying will not roll again. It's just a precaution used by parents for preventing the children from falling off the bed in sleep,if the parents are not sleeping with them.

Hua Cheng took the information and remembered it , so, whenever a'ying is sleeping he should keep the pillows around him,he thought it's only for small babies but it seems it is for toddlers as well. He decided to ask yin yu for the books about such things, now that he is having a child,he should also learn things about taking care of children.

Hua cheng went out and ordered food for three of them , they decided that they will ask weiying about adoption once he recovered enough to move, they made him eat some soup,Three of them slept embracing each other for the night. weiying recovered by two days, he woke up in the morning and it's the questioning time for him.he looked at the people infront of him and remembered these are the ones who saved him,he hoped they might know where his parents are, the two adults saw him fully awake and asked

Hua Cheng: are you okay now baby, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere.

Weiying shook his head and said"a'ying is fine handsome uncle, a'ying thanks handsome uncle and kind uncle for saving a'ying"

Xielian: it's alright child,so you don't feel any pain do you?

Weiying: a'ying's head hurt a little, but a'ying is fine kind uncle , do you know a'ying, a'ying's mama , papa,do you know where they are, when they will come back?

Xielian and hua cheng don't know what to say, how can they explain him about his parents death, xielian took a sharp breath and said

Xielian: a'ying can you please be calm and listen to whatever i am going to say, can you do that?

Weiying nodded and looked at him curiously.

Xielian: there is a place very far away from here that many people have to go one day, they will not come back.

Weiying: like the little cat that is beside a'ying's home,when it disappeared mama said it went to a far away place and can't come back,it will become the star in sky.

Xielian: yes, just like that, a'ying's parents also went to that place, they didn't get a'ying because it is dangerous for a'ying

Weiying : so,they didn't abandon a'ying like that uncle said, a'ying is not bad.

Hua cheng: of course not, they both love a'ying so much, a'ying is the best baby after all ,that is why they left a'ying here,as gege said the place is very scary and it will be painful if you are not adult babies like a'ying shouldn't go there.but they are okay now,They became stars and will watch a'ying from above.

Weiying: what should I do then, a'ying is small and he is alone, handsome gege what will happen to me now, a'ying don't want to be alone . Can a'ying be with you.

Xielian and hua cheng felt happy, weiying wanted to stay with them .so hua cheng slowly asked

"So , a'ying will you come and live with us, we want you to be our child, we promise we will love you just like your parents did"

Xielian"we also promise to give you a home and a family that will support you"

Hua Cheng "we promise,we will be your strength"

Xielian "we also promise that we will accompany you in your weakness"

Hua cheng" we will make you feel happy and safe"

Xielian "we also will never let any danger or sorrow touch you "

Xielian and hua cheng"so a'ying will you be our son".

That is it for today ,

I hope you like the chapter,

Thank you for reading,

What do you think weiying's answer would be,

Do you want anyone else to have memories except lan wangji as it is painful for him as well and i think he doesn't deserve it,

Please comment, vote and give your suggestions 🙏.

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