adie and papa

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"HUA CHENG did you kidnap a child now" feng xin shouted

"Did his highness knows about this"mu qing asked a bit more calmly not to scare the child.

"Where are his parent,where did you take him from"feng xin continued

"His highness knows about this right?" My qing asked again

Hua cheng just rolled his eyes, not getting any answer, they looked at the child who got scared of people suddenly coming and shouting at his father. They thought it's because hua cheng so they grabbed the child and started questioning

Fx: hey kid did that man kidnapped you?

Mq: where are your parents?

Fx: tell us if he hurt you, we will help.

Mq: don't get scared, we and our highness will save you.

Fx: tell us the truth we will take care of him,he kidnapped you right,we will take you away.

Weiying got scared of all the shouting as it reminded him of the inn keeper and he started crying hard asking for his both fathers,he thought that the people are angry at his parents and want to hurt his father he started wailing loudly with the thought this angering hua cheng.

He snatched weiying away from their arms and hugged him closer reassuring him everything is okay.

A'ying: adie...,bad people*sob*sob* want to hurt*sob* hurt..... adie,they*sob*.. want to take*sob*sob* a'ying ... a'ying away.

Hua cheng:no one can hurt adie, no one will take adie or papa away from a'ying, it's ok my baby don't cry , please don't cry ,gege will scold me if you cry this hard.

Feng xin and mu qing stay silent and shocked, why is this child,that too a mortal calling him adie did this devil of a calamity (i am sorry if that doesn't make sense,but fang xin isn't sorry because for him even hua cheng doesn't make sense so words for him shouldn't as well) do something,did he fool around with someone,did he cheated on his highness,but that doesn't make sense,as this ghost is a simp and mere puppy for his highness,then where did this child came from.

Fx: hey hua cheng, why don't you answer where did this child came from, how come he is calling you adie ? what is a baby that too a mortal doing with you, where are his parents?

Hua cheng glared at him, here his son is crying and this person still shouting without realising anything.he was about to open his mouth when he heard a grasp.

Xie lian: a'ying,my baby what happened why are you crying like that , look your face is so red, tell baba what's wrong did something happen, did someone bully my a'ying , please stop crying

A'ying:baba, these ......these.....bad people want to.....want to..hurt adie and...... and take a'ying away, they....they shouted at adie and a'ying..... and...... tried to take a'ying from adie....bad people.....just inn uncle.

Xie lian looked at the others first time after coming, he know some people are here but he didn't pay them much attention as a'ying is crying so much, now after looking at them he can understand what might have happened,he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He sighed and took a'ying in hisarms and said:baby it's okay, that are not bad people, they are Baba's friends, they are here for baba, they won't hurt Adie or take a'ying away now baba is here right

A'ying nodded and started to calm down, since he cried so much, he fall asleep. Later hualian explained everything to them by the end of the explanation they also concluded that within a few days they have to introduce a'ying to heavens and ghost city as soon as possible for avoiding such things in future as a'ying just lost his parents and is a bit sensitive, one of them should always stay with a'ying as a'ying will be insecure and became sad though he doesn't cry, it's their first time seeing a'ying cry loudly that made them shocked as well as happy that he is expressing himself.After feng xin and mu qing left they both settled either side of a'ying and since it's his afternoon nap time they also slept thinking they will feed him after he woke up from the nap.

Weiying woke up in the evening and giggled seeing both his parents by his side ,he wants to get up but his baba hugged him tight and his adie hugged both of them, he remembered what happened and felt guilty,he promised his mother not to cry and always smile,but he cried and even worried his parents, he thought he should do something to apologise for making them worry and also make them smile, he struggled a bit and came out , he took the brush and paper which his baba bought for him and started drawing,he draw his baba,adie and him ,in other drawing he drew lan zhan and him.he was happy with the drawings so he went outside of the shrine to the plants nearby plucking some flowers for his parents.

Xue lian and huacheng woke up only to see a'ying missing, they got worried and were about to go out and search but a'ying came from the door,they sighed in relief and xue lian hugged him.

XL: where were you a'ying,baba and Adie are worried about you, didn't i told you not to go anywhere without telling us.

Wy: but baba i went to get you and Adie flowers, here these are for Adie and these are for baba, sorry baba a'ying won't cry again and make you or Adie worried and sad, a'ying promised mother he will not cry so, a'ying will be good,so please don't leave a'ying okay.

Xue lian don't know whether to laugh or cry,he again hugged a'ying and said

XL:a'ying can cry as much as he wants, it's normal for baba to worry about a'ying, if you feel like crying just come to Adie or baba, we are a'ying parents, a'ying should never hide his feelings infront of parents okay?

Hc: yes a'ying,our baby is the best boy, baba and Adie won't go anywhere without a'ying, we love you so much our baby.

A'ying cried again for a bit then dragged them to show the pictures he drew,  hua cheng and xie lian gasped at the details, though it's not perfect but it's too good to be drawn by a four years old, the parents are proud of their baby but the moment huacheng saw the drawing of his baby with lan wangji he felt annoyed, but convinced himself "it's ok he is a close friend of a'ying and also his first best friend, it's natural he drew lanwangji,no big deal"he thought gritting his teeth while xie lian just admired his sons skills proudly and sincerely listen to a'ying's explanation about the drawing .

Later they decided to bring the topic of introduction to weiying. After feeding a'ying they made him sit and started,

XL: a'ying do you remember the people from the morning?

Wy: bad people want to take a'ying away from adie, want to hurt Adie.

XL: no baby they thought Adie tried to hurt you that's why they want to take you away.

Wy: but....but... Adie is very good, and a'ying's Adie why would he hurt a'ying.

XL: they don't about a'ying na, that's why they said like that, they are my friends, a'ying's uncles, do you think you can meet them,there are many aunts and uncles for a'ying, will a'ying come with us and meet all of them.

Wy nodded but pouted a little:a'ying also want an elder brother, a'ying want to play with elder brother,baba get me elder brother to play.

Xie lian for the third time in the day didn't know whether to laugh or cry but he got an idea and immediately sent letter to someone, afterwards a'ying was introduced to both the realms and loved by everyone, qi rong bought his son who is also happy to have a younger brother and they both played alot followed by many such play dates. They also spoke with wangji occasionally through butterfly.

Coming to the present,

Like that they always took a'ying here and there playing with him and passing amongst each other to hug him making hua cheng angry and annoyed, his son is not a toy for everyone to play and hug, he got enough of this and snatched a'ying from their arms saying it's his lunch time which is after two hours .

That's it for today,

Hope you like the chapter,

Sorry for late updates in the books , it's just that i have my studies and exams continuously,I will update faster after three months in the may,Please bear until then,

Did you like the chapter,i wanted to show weiying's bond with his parents,

Please suggest something you want to read ,i will write when i have time,

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