the face off -2

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The days were going on , Lan Fimei was fully recovered, the Wen sect conference was near, everyone from major sects were preparing for the travel, it's the first time all the major sects leaders will be attending the conference with their sect heirs.

Wei Qing is a bit anxious, she got the letter from Wei Ning , Jiang lady remember and some other people also do according to her, she is getting ready for the confrontation, it's not like she is afraid or don't know what to say, she is just worried that she may not control if she sees them. Lan Fimei decided to explain her relationship with Lan's when her brother came, so Wei Qing is still not aware of it.

Others are anxious as well, Lan heir was sad and worried as he unknowingly let his sister die in future,if she remembers will she accept him and his brother, even his uncle is upset, Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng were also afraid of the things they will listen in the conference, the things they might have did , they did too much damage and they regret it but fate is not giving them a chance to make amends, people they wronged were not present and no where to be found.

Note: Jiang Cheng is not aware of the things that happened in the celestial mountain as Jiang Yanli promised Wei Ning to maintain the secret.

The conference day came, minor sects and even Wens were shocked as every major sect leader is present and even some sect heirs, it's the first conference after Lan Shiqing left the seclusion and even Lan Qiren is present. Jiang Fengmen arrived with Jiang Cheng, Nie Mingjue came early as well. It seems like they were in hurry to the conference, it's partly true though, they were in hurry to meet Wen Qing at this particular conference. At last the time they were waiting for came, Wei Qing arrived with Lan Fimei.

They silently participated in the meeting, the people from the future repetitively glancing at Wei Qing to the point sge became uncomfortable and even Wen Rouhan noticed. He is not a patient person and he was always straight forward and don't bother to beat around the bush.

Wen Rouhan: If you can stop staring at my niece and do the work you are supposed to do it will be well appreciated.

It's not like he is interested in her , he too doesn't want to drag her into all this if she is not talented, let her live away from all this, though he is ruthless he has a soft corner for his niece after all she lost too much. She lost her parents, then many elders and children died in the accident and she is still eight learning things when she is supposed to enjoy life, he would adopt her if not for his over jealous stupid second son who might harm her. With his statement everyone tried to not look at her.As soon as the meeting is over ,Wei Qing was invited for lunch by Wen Rouhan. She went and had a lunch with him , He didn't let her meet any other clan people because first he didn't get good vibes and second he don't want their attention on her.

The conference was over and everyone was leaving, Dafen Wen sect was in the border so the Lan sect must cross it to go back, Wei Qing went to the clan first and all others except Jin sect leader and Jiang sect leader followed, Jiang Cheng made an excuse by saying he wants to be friends with them and tag along with them. Wei Qing is not surprised when they all appeared at her door steps, she expected them. But , when she saw particular faces she can't help but get angry.

Wei Qing: what do I owe you all for gracing me with your presence, sirs.

LS: sorry for the sudden arrival young lady Wen, it's just that we have something to discuss.

Wei Qing knows that Qingheng jun didn't do anything wrong to her family or Weiying , So she gave some respect to the man and invited all of them in. Lan Xichen , Lan Qiren,Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng bowed their heads not able to look into her eyes. Lan Fimei and Lan Shiqing explained everything about her relationship with Lan jades to her. At the end she can't help but laugh at the irony, she wasn't protected by the brothers who are her blood and she was protected by a brother who wasn't even obligated to protect her. It only made Wei Qing to get more angry on sects, they made brothers watch their sister die.

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